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Guest idreamofmeds

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Guest idreamofmeds

I know you guys don't sit around discussing yor undergrad marks, but I was just wondering if you would you say there is a wide range from 3.65 -4.0? Or are most marks in the higher end of the spectrum?


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No idea...I personally have never discussed my GPA with any of my classmates....and not even one of the 132 of them has divulged that information to me (and I haven't asked)....Western also makes a point of not telling us what the average GPA of the class is (or the range, median, mode or any other GPA related stat). This is top secret, never to be revealed, locked in the depths of the student affairs office classified information....and honestly...once you're in, it really doesn't matter anymore....we try not to compete with one another...


Honestly, if you get above the cut-off, you have as good a chance as anybody else...GPA was only worth 25% last year...which is not a whole lot. I know of one person who had the cut-off exactly and was offered admission at UWO (they turned it down for another school) and another person with a 3.97 that was wait-listed at UWO....so GPA will not make or break your application...provided that you are above the cut! It is your interview performance that you really need to worry about...in the end it is what really determines who is getting the UWO thickvelope!



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Guest UWOMED2005

My class doesn't really overly discuss such things but sometimes it does come up in conversation. Our class runs the gamut for GPAs. . . I know people with 3.97/3.98ish marks and others who were right at 3.60 (the cutoff for the 2005 class).


What blows me away when this stuff comes up is who had what GPAs. . . it's sometimes surprising. By somewhat of a coincidence I've had the pleasure of learning who has the highest GPAs (or at least close to highest) in both the 2005 and 2006 classes. I picked up both pieces of info from somewhat inebriated conversations with said people at either bars or parties. As the holders of these titles were at each of a party or a bar, their identity would probably come as a surprise to some people in our respective classes (and no, I'm not going to reveal either identity. I get the feeling both people want their identity to remain confidential. I think I would too if I were them.) These aren't people who spent their whole life in undergrad holed up in the library. . . they lived normal well-adjusted lives but people who learned to balance the demands of classes with the demands of pretty active social lives (as I've said, I've partied with both of them and even met some of their friends from UG.)


Oh, and as to the distribution, I would expect to fall closer to the 3.6ish side of things. I'd be shocked if there weren't WAY more applicants with 3.6ish marks than 4.0 marks and marks don't count that much in the final equation, so that's probably reflected in the class distribution. But I really have no clue.

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Guest bad hombre

I've heard of a dude from my undergradwho's in 2nd year meds at UWO who was legendary during his time here because he was a cool guy who went to bars all the time, knew tons and tons of people, and had a 98 average in an ultra-competitive program (or so says campus lore):eek .

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Guest UWOMED2005

I guess you're at Western then? There's also someone in our class from U of T who's similar, a guy from Queen's in 3rd year who's the same, and I've just learned about someone in first year who's pretty much the same story.


Balance is so important. So's having fun :D .

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Self reports of GPA's from drunken people are always suspect in my mind...unless they have a perfect 4.0 OR have personally compared with every other member of the class, they wouldn't know themselves that they were the highest. Seeing as I have not been asked about my GPA by anybody in my class, I would say that method two has not been used. There is scholarship money given to the person with the highest overall admission score (GPA, MCAT and interview) in each class and I know who that person is in my class...but it doesn't necessarily mean that they had the highest GPA. The interview obviously has a big effect on that score.


Bottom line: once you're in, undergrad GPA doesn't matter and nobody really cares. If you get an interview, your GPA is high enough to get in...and it is your interview score that is really going to determine who is getting an acceptance.

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Guest UWOMED2005

Whoops! May have been highest overall score on admissions. . . and I think there is more than one scholarship handed out. And yeah, I have no proof the people in question actually did get any awards. It was just a series of conversations. But what I was trying to get at remains the same. . . the GPAs are highly variable, and sometimes it surprises you who had the high and who had the low GPAs in undergrad.

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