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Links to UWO Meds Forum and Student Info

Guest Ian Wong

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Guest Ian Wong

Courtesy of TimmyMax and the other UWO folks, there's a couple new links at the top of the UWO forum. The first is an interactive forum staffed by UWO med students, and can be reached by the link at the top of the UWO forum, or else here:


UWO Meds Forum:


They've also developed a page for prospective students and applicants, which again can be accessed at the top of this forum, or else through the following link:


UWO Meds Prospective Student Site:


Well, what are you waiting for? Go visit!



UBC, Med 4

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  • 2 weeks later...

And instead of having your questions answered by the same six people, you have two classes worth of UWO Meds just ready and rearin' to go and answer any questions you might have about life at Western, in London, and of course interview tips... and even the more technical cut-off questions can still be handled by our friendly neighbourhood admissions reps, TimmyMax and Aneliz, there as well!


You can also check out testimonials from present first-year medical students on the prospective website. We are hoping to get more testimonials up soon.. so check it out!

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Guest Namgalsip

Oh no, now I have another forum to keep track of...I think I'm going to get fired soon :eek


Na, just kidding...all those multitasking skills I picked up over the years are finally paying up. Great job on the forum and the testimonials are great...I almost spilled my water just reading them :rollin



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i just looked through the 'prospective student' site, and I hate to bring this up again (since aneliz, timmymax, and many other moderators have clarified this point), but why on the FAQ page does it say the following???:





For GPA calculation, what is meant by "most recent year?"


It means just what it says. The final year before entering medicine. With a lot of students still in University, it means the year you are currently in. Like right now. Like the courses you're going back to after the weekend is over. Yeah. THAT final year.


Admission offers start being mailed out at the END of May. That's plenty of time to take current grades into consideration.



I thought this practice was abolished??? Was it suddenly resurrected or is this just a mixup?

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No it has not been resurected....relax....the FAQ are in the process of being updated....


Tim and I will not lead you astray....


The ONLY time that your LAST year will be taken into consideration is if you ONLY have ONE year above the cut-off at the time of your application. In that case you MUST have over the cut-off in your current (final) year in order to have TWO years over the cut as required. If this is your situation, you would receive a conditional offer with a requirement to submit a final transcript indicating that you have met the GPA cut in a second (your last) year. If you already have two (or more) years above the cut at the time of your application, you don't need to worry about your last year GPA...


We are working as fast as we can...but with exams looming in the next few weeks for both Meds I and Meds II, most of us have lots to do right now...and sorry guys, admissions FAQ's and forums just aren't taking top priority....Once we get exams out of the way we will have lots of free time to do admissions stuff...promise!

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Guest Chieka101

I've registered on the forums, but cannot post. How long does it take to activate my account? :rolleyes


Also, does anyone know where I can find info about Western's interview style (other than that it's 45 min long and done by three interviewers ;) )?





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No idea...I will check into the registration deal on uwomeds forums...although TimmyMax and I are 'moderators' we are not as all-powerful as we would like to be....(the hippo IT guys are very much the supreme beings on uwomeds)


What kind of info were you looking for about the interview?


There is nothing else published but if you have specific questions I can try and answer them...of course some things are classified! ;)


General Interview info:


Interviews are being held on March 29 and 30 and April 12 and 13. They will be at 10, 11 ,1 and 2 each day. They are scheduled to be 45 minutes long however they have lasted anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the interviewers and interviewees... You will be interviewed by three people: a student (usually 3rd or 4th year, but some 2nd years too), a faculty member (may be either clinical or basic science faculty) and a community member (who could be anybody. Examples include nurses, dentists, lawyers, university staff, and anybody else that isn't a student or faculty and is willing to do it!). The interviewers do not have any information on you other than your name....they have not read your autobiographical sketch or references etc. They will ask you questions, during which you will want to work in as many experiences as you can and mention as many aspects of your life as you can....these questions can be anything from "why medicine, why western' to ethics or current events or 'what would you do if' scenarios. This is done very calmly and without emotion (almost distubingly so...) overall it is non-confrontational, although I wouldn't say overly friendly. (Although some of my classmates say that their interview was very friendly, mine wasn't.) At the end you will be given an opportunity to ask the interviewers questions....up to you if you want to or not. Then each interviewer will score you independently (ie not a group opinion) and your interview score will then make up 50% of the final decision. For a list of UWO style questions, see the med interviews forum and check out 'my UWO interview 2002'.


What else do you want to know?

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Guest UWOMED2005

The guys who run the forum, Alex Wong and Jimmy Woo, have a rather massive Neurology exam on Friday, so it's possible they're being a little slack on the registration. But if you're still having problems as of this weekend, trying e-mailing Alex (his e-mail address should be posted on the http://www.uwomeds.com site in numerous locations.) It's possible there's a glitch in the system and I'm sure Alex would appreciate your bringing this to his attention (though he may not have time to address it until next Wednesday - we've also got Psych, GU and Musculoskeletal next week! :eek )

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DrSahsi



I wrote that passage in the original UWO Interview FAQ in 1998. If things have changed since then, the current first year class will be updating the FAQ (which they're in the process of getting up right now), and it should appear on the UWOMeds.com prospective students website.


- Rupinder

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