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je suis présentement en tremplin DEC pour pouvoir rentrer en science nature. Ce n'est pas ma premiere année au cégep, j'ai présentement une cote r de 22 est-ce possible de l'augmenter pour ensuite aller dans le domaine de la médecine à la fin de mon cégép ou est-il trop tard??



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8 minutes ago, maymay said:


je suis présentement en tremplin DEC pour pouvoir rentrer en science nature. Ce n'est pas ma premiere année au cégep, j'ai présentement une cote r de 22 est-ce possible de l'augmenter pour ensuite aller dans le domaine de la médecine à la fin de mon cégép ou est-il trop tard??



ça risque de pas être possible à la fin de science nature parce que ça va te prendre au minimum une cote r de 33 (donc faudrait que tu l'augmente au minimum de 11 points, ce qui est énorme....), et les gens convoqués aux entrevues de médecine ont plus souvent des cote r de 34 & + que de 33

Par contre, selon la cote r que tu vas avoir à ce moment la, tu pourras toujours regarder les autres bacs en santé et essayer de faire un tremplin à partir de ces bacs

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même si je réussi à obtenir des note de 90 et plus ? sinon merci de m'avoir répondu !!

9 minutes ago, radd said:

ça risque de pas être possible à la fin de science nature parce que ça va te prendre au minimum une cote r de 33 (donc faudrait que tu l'augmente au minimum de 11 points, ce qui est énorme....), et les gens convoqués aux entrevues de médecine ont plus souvent des cote r de 34 & + que de 33

Par contre, selon la cote r que tu vas avoir à ce moment la, tu pourras toujours regarder les autres bacs en santé et essayer de faire un tremplin à partir de ces bacs


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My advice is as follows: Let's assume you are highly motivated for medicine. You need focus, discipline, endurance, perseverance and continuous hard work. Go to an academic counsellor and determine what is holding you back, how you can do better, what study methods and note taking will work best for you, meanwhile, seeing your profs after hours, ask questions, try your best. Stretch yourself academically, while developing good time and stress management skills - and ensure your significant other is not someone who is needy of your time, which can easily derail your career ambitions at the starting gate. Also, ensure you live a healthy life style, keeping healthy in mind and body!

In the big scheme of things, it is not really relevant whether or not you even qualify for an interview, what is really important is that you develop meaningful skills, while being a good, kind, compassionate human being.

If you do not get into medical school from Cegep is less important than the character, skills and work ethic you are developing during these important formative years.

Let's look at me as an example. I went to Cegep many years ago and my grades were so low that I could not even apply for med school prior to graduation. Although I was a brain in h.s., my grades slipped like yours throughout Cegep, I did not have the requisite work ethic and study skills, I was too immature - so, medical school was absolutely out of the question THEN! I was highly motivated to become a physician and realized that like with students throughout the rest of Canada, I could apply to med school in my last year of undergrad. I went to Concordia, took a program of intertest that was recommended by a friend who was a medical student, I worked hard and smart to be a consistent straight A student. All I did was to study. I lost my every friend as while they partied, I was studying. I was exhausted at the end of every semester. I studied on weekends. I achieved my goal, did the MEMFI for all the francophone schools and was accepted.

So, your future is all in your hands. You are at the very beginning and you need to exercise your intellectual and other muscles to be the best person of which you are capable. It does not matter whether it is too late or not, what matters is that you consistently try your best and constantly seek to improve. Your only competition in this marathon is yourself to become the best of which you are capable. You don't give up at the beginning of your journey or in the middle - you never give up - you fight for your future as I did. Today, I am a surgeon! Fight the fight. Good Luck! 

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Thank you so much! You give me hope, and I'm ready to make all the sacrifices to achieve my goal, even if that means losing friends. to keep me motivated, I will print your response, hahaha. 

PS: I would love to be a neurologist.

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12 minutes ago, maymay said:

même si je réussi à obtenir des note de 90 et plus ? sinon merci de m'avoir répondu !!


Comme la cote r dans chaque cours est calculée en fonction des étudiants dans chacun de tes cours, ça ne dépend malheureusement pas seulement de tes notes à toi. Évidemment que d'avoir seulement des 90%+ ça va grandement aider! Mais on ne peut pas vraiment prédire ta cote r va ressembler à quoi dans 2 ans, encore moins si tu vas avoir réussi à l'augmenter de 11-12 pts.

Comme Bambi dit, focus sur ton objectif et si tu réussis pas à entrer directement après le cégep, c'est vraiment pas grave! Plein d'étudiants en médecine sont acceptés après avoir complété un autre programme à l'université. L'important, c'est vraiment que tu focus sur ton objectif final et que tu mettes tous les efforts en ce sens! Et si tu peux t'entourer de gens qui vont t'encourager la-dedans, c'est vraiment le best!

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Life is not a bowl of cherries, we all face failures or detours along our path. We learn far more from our detours than our successes! Having the ability to self-reflect, to determine what essential changes are required to improve, takes character, intelligent, guts, all the more so if there are the nay sayers who don't believe in you.

I come from poverty, walked to university to save the cost of public transport, I brown bagged my lunches as I could not afford to buy lunch, I brought a drink from home for the same reason. I lived off student loans once I completed high school and was constantly borrowing money to survive. I owed a fortune upon completing residency, however, I was able to pay it all off in less than 2 years, while livig well once I entered practice.

In addition to hard work, remaining motivated and always striving for excellence while making good decisions at every crossroad and opportunity, I found there were two essential ingredients that played a critical role in determining my opportunities and future: 1) Luck and 2) Being a kind, compassionate person, being likeable and helping others less fortunate.

For example, when I applied for residency, in this surgical specialty, there were 80 applicants for only 3 spots. Forty of us were interviewed. I was the least qualified of all the interviewees. However, I was friendly, likeable, a team player and worked hard. My knoweldge base was lower than the other applicants, many of whom were gunners! Not one gunner was selected. I was chosen b/c of my "soft skills" and the interviewers considered I would be "a good fit". They were right. So, in the end my career opportunity came because I am simply a collaborative, nice person who gets along with everybody. When I was looking for a job, other residents, who were a year or two above me, who liked me, tipped me off to which hospitals were looking for someone with my skills and so, I learned of opportunities before they became official. I found employment in no time.

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