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useful chart.

Guest archchivalry

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I just had a quick glance at the chart, and the Queen's MCAT information will not necessarily be current for this year's round of applications. This is the same for the MCAT cut-offs for Western, another school that varies its MCAT cut-offs with the calibre of the applicant pool MCAT scores.




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Guest UofT Student

That page claims it was last updated in July 2003, so some information is probably out of date. Check with the individual schools' websites for the most up-to-date information.

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Guest aneliz

UWO's information was more or less current at the time...however, the MCAT cut-offs are out of date. This year's cuts were 10,9,9,Q.


The GPA cut is still the same, but there is no guarantee that it will be the same next year.


I have no idea where they pulled out the 3.8 as the 'average' entering GPA from....because that information is NEVER released.


The pre-reqs are fairly accurate...although they don't state that the 'other' science CANNOT be related to bio or chem. (It must be math, physics, computers, etc) and you do not need a full year of organic - a half year organic + half year of biochem works too. And...make sure that ALL of your science courses have labs.


Other things - there is NO '519' advantage....there is an advantage for genuine 'southwest' residents....but the 519 area is larger than what is considered southwest and the advantage is NOT based on phone number.


Of course one thing to note: as of fall 2006 (2 admissions cycles from now), the ONLY pre-req for UWO willl be having a COMPLETED 4 YEAR HONOURS degree...(no pre-req courses).

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