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GPA (4.3) cut off

Guest doctor wanabee

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Guest doctor wanabee

I don't know if this issue has ever been discussed, but I haven't found anything. I'm sorry if I've missed a thread on this issue.


I come from a university which has a 4.3 GPA scale. I was wondering what GPA is considered competitive to be called for an interview. Most universities have a cut off GPA of 3.6-3.8 on the 4.0 scale, what about on the 4.3 scale?


Let's say I have good MCAT scores and 4.00/4.30 GPA is that competitive enough?

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Guest soapyslicer

Hi doc wanabee


If you have a 4.0 average on a 4.3 scale you are just fine as that should be an overall average above 90. Don't sweat it too much the school do convert the marks to match their scale.



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Guest aneliz

You need to convert your actual marks (in each individual course) to a GPA out of 4.0 (use the OMSAS scale, find your school and do the conversions of EACH course's mark). You then add all of the GPA's together and divide by the number of course weights (ie usually 5.0 or 10.0 depending on whether you are counting full year or half year marks).


The OMSAS scale can be deceiving...it is NOT a linear scale...there is NO difference between a 99 and a 90 on the OMSAS scale...but there is a 0.4/4.0 difference between a 79 and an 80. The OMSAS system also rewards consistency. So, two people with the same 'average' (ie 80 % average) may have wildly different GPA's...the person that has all 80's in every course will have a much higher GPA than the person with half 90's and half 70's.


I recommend that you check out the OMSAS conversion scale and do the math for your particular situation. Our speculation about what your 4.0/4.3 average would do for you probably wouldn't be helpful.


Good luck!

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Guest UWOMED2005

My undergrad school (King's/Dal) was 4.3 as well. There's no direct conversion - it all depends on your marks distribution.


It's pretty easy to convert, though. Essentially, those 4.3s you got for your A+s become 4.0s. 4.0s for As become 3.9s. A- remains 3.7, and the rest is status quo as well.


So you'll lose a bit for your A+s and As, but if your GPA was being propped up by mostly A-s then you shouldn't budge much.

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Guest marbledust

Aren't A grades worth 4.0 on a 4.0 scale regardless if they come from a school on a 4.3 scale?


I'm just asking out of curiousity. I did the last part of my undergrad at a 4.3 school and U of C gave me 4.0 for any A or A+ grades.


U of C does give A+ grades, but they are worth the same as an A (4.0).



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Guest UWOMED2005

I believe that's the American system - either A or A+ are worth 4.0


OMSAS only gives 'A's 3.9, reserving 4.0s for an A+.


If you have a 4.0 at U Calgary based on an A grade, I must admit I have no clue how that would convert. . .

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Guest osindy

I know OMSAS has a breakdown of grades from all the schools and what it converts to on theirwebsite. MAybe if I'm not being so lazy later on i'll find it for you.

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Guest marbledust

Thanks for the link.


Although I have to admit I am still confused. It appears two different columns apply to U of C and it doesn't really clarify if an A is worth 3.9 or 4.0 because both columns say different things. lol :lol


Oh well, it is unlikely this would ever apply to me so I won't worry about it.


However my brother-in-law is applying to some Ontario medical schools next year and the link will be of interest to him.

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Guest klukyboy

I think the column where A's are 4.0 applies to courses taken two years ago and earlier when there were no A+'s. The Other column applies to courses taken since last year.

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