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why dont all med schools email acceptances?

Guest mdhopeful23

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Guest mdhopeful23

after the 'fake acceptance' hoopla courtesty of ottawa this week, im now wondering why other med schools dont send email acceptances in june. i believe ottawa and ubc are the only ones??


having said that, i still like the idea of getting a nicely typed acceptance letter. the excitement of running to the mailbox for good news is an experience i wouldn't want to miss on. and it would look really nice when i frame it...;) .

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I'm not sure about your question, but perhaps more schools don't send their acceptances by e-mail to avoid technical glitches. :)


As to the schools that do, UBC is not one of them. UBC sends their interview invitations by e-mail, but not their acceptances. They arrive by post, only.


Finally, with respect to receiving a hard copy acceptance letter, Ottawa sends those too. The acceptance packages are supposed to appear shortly after receipt of the May 28th e-mail.




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Guest aneliz

Here is the reason why UWO does not e-mail acceptances:


1. It is against OMSAS rules...NONE of the schools are supposed to be e-mailing acceptances to avoid 'competition' between schools for acceptees... Ottawa is the only school that chooses to break this rule.


2. There are huge problems with e-mail... including:


- not all applicants submit a valid e-mail address


- some applicants have technical issues with their e-mail addresses (ie lost password, over quota, no access, etc) so that they wouldn't get the e-mail anyway...there is a fear that this would cause EVERYONE that couldn't get access to their e-mail for whatever reason to call the office to attempt to determine if they 'missed' getting an e-mail.


- there can be server crashes, etc that cause some e-mails to go out and others not (like Ottawa had a few years ago)...this creates chaos.


And the best reason for not sending e-mails: UWO is going to send out a package anyway....sending an e-mail too only increases the workload of the admissions office...which is already scrambling to get all of the packages out, deal with convocation for the 4th years, deal with 1st and 2nd year exam issues, etc. All of these things happen at roughly the same time. Given that UWO sends their acceptances by express post, you should recieve them (in Ontario) the next day anyway....which, in the grand scheme of things is not that long to wait...(I know it feels like eternity, but trust me, it isn't!)

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Guest mdhopeful23

thanks for the responses :)


hmm...i guess good old 'snail mail' is still seen as the most reliable method. after all, it'd be much harder to 'accidently' send out a bunch of erroneous acceptance letters by post than by email :lol .


i wish i never got that email from ottawa. got me all worked up for nothing. and it kinda minimizes my ultimate acceptance/rejection. if i get accepted,it'll be like finding out about a suprise bday party...u would of enjoyed the suprise more if you never knew about it. if i get rejected, its like they gave me a taste of success only to take it away :( .


oh well, what can you do...whats done is done...

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Guest hacker

Hey aneliz,


It is against OMSAS rules...NONE of the schools are supposed to be e-mailing acceptances to avoid 'competition' between schools for acceptees... Ottawa is the only school that chooses to break this rule.


I was thinking for a while about this. The OMSAS agreement has set a certain date for the med schools in Ontario to notify the successful applicants of their status but Did they actually specify in this agreement the means (or speed) of notification ie mail, emails, phone calls..? I would be interested to find more about this agreement because it seems to me that none of the schools (including Ottawa) are breaking any rules.



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Guest aneliz

I only know what I was told by the staff at UWO...apparently the OMSAS rules (that were agreed to by the schools and not made public) state that they will MAIL their decisions to all applicants on the last business day in May. They are not supposed to be e-mailing, calling, holding letters for pick-up, etc....in the interests of being fair to all schools and all applicants... regardless of where they live or if they have computer access etc. This is also against the OMSAS policy of letting all applicants know at the same time....this practice lets the 'acceptees' know long before those that are waitlisted or rejected.


All I know is what I am told....but I do know that UWO was quite upset that Ottawa was e-mailing and that Queens was letting people in Kingston come and pick up their letters before the end of May....

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