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Insight on MSF / Doctors without Borders work

Guest interviewed

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Guest interviewed

Hey all,


I've always been quite interested in international aid medicine (i.e. working in developing countries) with organizations such as MSF. Albeit being a bit naive and longing for adventure, I've also always wondered about the practical aspects of being involved in such work.


What kind of "setup" or arrangements do these physicians have when they're not doing an overseas project. As the projects are usually long term (e.g. 6-12 month), can these physicians still have a practice in their home country? If not, what do they do to "bring home the bacon"?


I've read that MSF physicians get a small renumeration for their work after one year of volunteering. But I don't think it's enough to support a family. Does anyone know any physicians who are involved in international projects on an on-going basis and know the details of their professional and private life arrangements? Any current medical students have plans for doing international med? What are your plans for your career?


Thanks for any input!!!



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Guest MiniMedGirl

Well, you can check out the msf website (which i'm sure you've done already) and as far as i know the projects are 6-12 months, there is a small renumeration (basically living expenses). I do know of one doc who did MSF and at home she works up North, flying in and out of Northern Manitoba/Nunavut communities. So she just took a year or so off and did this work and when she returned she resumed her duties doing locums etc.

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