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Educational Liscense in Ontario?

Guest sincostan100

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Guest sincostan100

I was browsing the application form on UBC's med school, and it says that you need an "educational liscence" once you enter UBC medical school....what exactly is that?? Does that mean that as a student of UBC, you need to get registered and liscenced with the College/Physicians of Brit Col?


And secondly, in the 2002/2003 OMSAS application form, i didnt recall anything about an educational liscence....does that mean that Ontario students dont have to get one? Why is that?

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Guest Ian Wong

Basically, yes. Once you are accepted, one of many tasks that need to be completed is to register yourself with the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. You get a temporary medical student license which allows you access to clinical duties under the supervision of a physician. Once you graduate and start residency, that's replaced by another license. I would assume things are similar in other provinces (I needed to fill out similar paperwork to register in Alberta before doing an elective in Edmonton).


If this is a requirement for Ontario schools, I'm sure they'll address that after you get your acceptance letter.



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Guest sincostan100

Hi ian,


Im going to be attending U of T meds this coming sept, and two friends of mine are going to Western and Mcmaster this fall too - but none of us got any info regarding this educational Liscense.


The thing is, we're all going to be heading to S.America from mid July to Aug, so we dont want to get stuck across the global if we have to some major paperwork to do.


Can any of you U of T/Western/Mac meds help us out?


Thanks !!!!!

Sin, Cos, Tan

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I think it's in the process of attaining the student license that they run a criminal record check, no? I remember that form being within the UBC envelope along with the congrats letter, so I'm assuming that they run it for the student license as opposed to holding onto it for four years when you graduate! :)


Would it be only BC who would require their medical students to have such licenses, or is this a Canada-wide policy? How about for those of us who may wish to nip abroad for some rotations later on--are special student licenses required before you can do so?




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Interesting... I haven't heard of anything like that here actually. A quick search on e-laws doesn't bring anything up about an educational licence for undergrad students, so I'm not sure. There's a line in the Regulated Health Professions Act that says you need to have been delegated a duty from a registered dr to perform a controlled act, but doesn't specify med student - ie, it's okay to play doctor if you're "fulfilling the requirements to become a member of a health profession and the act [ie playing doctor] is within the scope of practice of the profession and is done under the supervision or direction of a member of the profession" (The only specification of "med student" I could find was that if a med student works with X-rays you need to be supervised by a radiologist.)


I also don't think students are officially registered with the College of Physicians and Surgeons here, but the CPSO does have some policies about med students: Treatment of Patients by Medical Students and Guidelines for Supervision of Medical Students.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!


Edited to fix links and add quote

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey all,


I've never heard of such a thing here at UWO. It would seem to me that this is more a school-specific or even provincial requirement more than anything.



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Guest aneliz

Hey all, as far as I know, this does not exist in Ontario...there is nothing that you need to do...so have fun in S America!

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Guest strider2004

As far as I know, it's only for BC and Alberta. When I set up my electives, I had to send money to the ALberta College of Physicians and Surgeons. I understand it's the same for BC (plus they get paid). Ontario has no such requirement because we're covered by our respective schools.

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