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which site?

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Guest funkshunalsyncytium

VFMP!!! :) My first choice.


Did any of you choose NMP as your first choice and not end up there? Curious only because I heard that some people last year ranked NMP 3rd and ended up there and that others who ranked it first were placed in Vancouver (obviously because of the rural suitability score). I had also heard that some site swaps did take place. I just thought I'd provide this note to any of you out there that didn't get placed at your first choice. Perhaps letting it be known via word of mouth to students once we start in Sept. would be away to still get your first choice.

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Guest BandaBoarder

Hey there!


On the note of site swapping: I did receive my 1st choice (NMP) however, due to some recent family changes, VFMP would now be preferable (my 2nd choice).


I am exploring my options now with admissions, however, I doubt I will receive a change in site. I believe them after stating 1000 times "offers to sites are binding!!!"


Let me know if you hear anything about people switching sites!




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Guest ewon2003

hi BandaBoarder


As far as I know, several people from IMP have tried to switch to VFMP for personal and family reasons, but none have been successful this year.


This is prob. not a good news for you, but don't feel surprised if the faculty is not receptive to your request regarding changing sites after class has started.

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Guest funkshunalsyncytium

Hey Banda,

Here's the whole story, A friend of mine (let's just say "X"rather than using names or even gender)ranked NMP 3rd last year and ended up going to NMP. X had ranked VFMP 1st but when school started X approached the faculty and as we all would have expected the answer was "absolutely no opportunity to switch, the offer to that site is binging." X didn't bother to fight it and is now in Prince George. When X got up to the NMP some of the students had changed. They didn't approach the faculty about it first but rather had met and buddied up with a specific classmate that had wanted to go north and then approached admissions and said "Y wants to be in PG and Z wants to be in Van, we would like to trade places" and it worked!

It is obvious that this is not something that the faculty will ever advertise but for those of you not happy with your placement I think that you would be well served to first talk amongst yourselves and only when you are certain that you've found a compatible switch, quietly and politely approach admissions about the swap. If a big stink gets raised they'll surely dig their heels in about the "offer binding to site" but if it happens under the radar like last year you might have a hope. Best of luck. Just an aside, X, that didn't really want to be in the NMP now loves it and says it isn't near as dreadful as X expected.

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