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frustrated with the situation

Guest fedupwithmed

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Guest fedupwithmed

My admission average (.76x+interview score) was 86.7 and I got waitlisted. Now I wouldn't have minded so much if they would just tell you where you are in that list. They did say that there is about 15 people on the list. I know they tell you that where you are on the list isn't an accurate reflection of your chances for admission.....I think that's a load of @#%$. Clearly, number one has a fantastic shot while number 15 has next to none. Why does it have to be such a big secret?? Telling you to wait until mid-August is unfair. We all have lives which are now on hold. Should I register for regular classes or not? Expecting us to just sit patiently in limbo is unfair.

Here are my questions so far:

1. How many people have been brought up off the waiting list so far?

2. What was the admission average for the initial accepted students?

3. When do the bulk of people who decline their offer actually do so (mid-June, mid-July, mid-August anything would help)?


If anyone else that was waitlisted, and is frustrated at the lack of information available, I'd love to hear from you

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Guest YG399

I know exactly how you feel fedupwitmed!!!! I am in the same situation as you! waiting around with an 86.6. I really don't understand why they won't disclose your waitlist position, what's the big deal?!? I emailed heather and she told me that 15 people are on the waitlist, and only 2 people got in off the waitliast last year, however 11 people the year before....so it's very hard to say what it is going to be this year.


As far as the number of people who got in off the waitlist..umm prob around 6 or 7 based on what I have read on these forums.


The majority of the other candian medical schools have already mailed there acceptance letters, so the bulk of the waitlist candidates are prob already in.


I think you and I are prob just waiting for someone else who got waitlisted elsewhere to be accepted, and assuming he/she accepts then we might still have a shot.


But anyways good luck and hope everything works out!!

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Guest fedupwithmed

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one feeling completely annoyed with the whole situation.

I only heard about these forums about 2 days ago. Before that I was just completely in the dark.


Good luck to you too!

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