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Guest sailing meds

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Guest sailing meds

Hi everyone. Hoping for some advice.

I'm non-trad. I'm getting married and, as my future husband is significantly older, we want to have kids rather soon. I heard that it is possible between 2nd year and clerkship to have a child and most schools are pretty ok with taking time for the child (while still finishing with the class, just starting clerkship late). I am gunning for UWO; we're from London and pretty settled here. I have family here for support. We can't have a child now either (long story) and I want to get into school first. Any idea if UWO has ever had cases like this and, if so, how was it handled? Are any of you in the same boat?

Thanks in advance. You can understand how I might be :o posting this on the UWO meds board!

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Guest ploughboy


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Hey there,


A long time ago I was tangentially involved in a conversation about having babies in med school vs having babies in residency. One of the other people there was a med student who had just helped write/revise UWO meds policy on student pregnancy. So I do know that we have a policy...I just don't know what the policy says! Based solely on the school's culture and the personalities of the people who wrote the policy, I'm pretty sure it's quite female-friendly and your situaation shouldn't be a problem but please note that I don't speak for the school!


There is certainly precedent for taking time off for medical/personal reasons, and I suspect that there have been others who have had babies in their preclinical years at UWO. I just don't know for sure, but I know who would know and can find out once I get back to Canada.


If you would like to remind me about this sometime late next month (ie please PM me at the end of August, otherwise I won't remember) I can find out what the school policy is.








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