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Question about UVic for current IMPers

Guest Burachan83

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Guest Burachan83



I'm going to IMP this year and I have a question about UVic. It says on the UVic website ( web.uvic.ca/calendar2005/CAL/DoMeS.html ) that we will be given "affiliate status" at UVic with access to UVic-based campus services. Does this mean we'll be getting the U-Pass granted to UVic students as well?

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Guest ssc427

I'm also starting at IMP this year and from what I understand yes, we will get the pass. We will pay the UVic fees, not UBC, even though they go to UBC first. So we get all the UVic things like a UVic gym membership, UVic extended health etc....


See you in Aug!

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Guest defenestrater

That's right. For the first 4 months, you're in Van, and you get the UPass there with the rest of the VFP people, but when you move out to Vic in January, you get a shiny new pass for Vic transit. We have all the benefits of UVic students once we arrive here.


See you in August! We can't wait to meet the 3rd IMP cohort!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest neocell

Just got a link to this forum, thanks Victoria, and the question on my brain is:

Is there an intramural hockey team set up for the IMP?


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Guest islander09

No, a gym membership is extra. Something like $70 for a semester; it's pretty good considering that the UVic gym is nice; but it sucks to pay extra. Oh yeah, and our stupid bus passes run out in April ( we go to school until June)... no biggy.


There is NO hockey league set up over here, BUT, there is a group of squash players...:D I haven't tried, but it looks like fun.


There is Docs hockey at UBC, so you can join that first semester.


see ya'll soon

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Guest defenestrater

Too be fair, we do have the option to get UPasses for the entire summer (or at least, we did this year, though who knows what will happen next year), but it means you have to pay more student fees...something like $130 for the whole summer (and I think there is some limited gym acess included with those, isn't there islander09? Don't you get into Mack gym for free? Just not Ian Stewart...which is far more extensive and better kept). So it may be worth it if you're staying in Vic all summer. I know most people just chose to ride their bikes for the last month! :)

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