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Guest Paulchemguy

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Guest Paulchemguy

Just wondering how did you guys do for the overall final score... I only got 70... just wondeirng how far i am from getting in.... thanks.

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Guest canuck1

I don't think the consensus score is your overall score. I believe it is your interview score normalized to account for differences in panels and individual scores. I may be wrong though.


Anyway, mine was 78.08, AQ: 20.8, NAQ: 20.82

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Guest Paulchemguy

hmm yeh i'm not sure either, but it seems right, cuz if i add up my naq, aq and interview score, it adds up to the consensus score.


here canuck, lemme guess your interview score and let me know if i guess right:


(20.8 + 20.82) + x = 78.08

x = 36.46


divide that by 50, then times 25. so i guess ur interview score is ~18.23? am i right?


and wow canuck, your naq is very high. what year are you in? just curious.

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Guest Persistent

Hey everyone,


Here is what my understanding was last year regarding the scores.


1) Raw score out of 25 (5 pts for each of the 5 categories)

2) the score out of 25 is standardized into a score out of 100.

3) a recommendation score out of 10



the recommendation score is a crucial aspect I believe. Don't quote me on this but if you score low on the recommendation score and everything else was excellent, I think they will still reject you...or at least there is a good chance they will. I think an 8/10 will let you be considered if everything else is great. a 9/10 or 10/10 can work wonders... an applicant with lower TFR could get in with those sort of scores. I suspect that was my case.

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Guest canuck1



You cracked me up with your formula, but it's a little off. My interview score was 19. I tried out the formula on my rejection from last year too, and it's off quite a bit more (yeah, I'm a loser and have gotten rejected twice now).


Anyway, I think Persistent hit the nail on the head in that the Panel's Recommendation out of 10 can make or break you. I think if you get below 9 or 10 you better have some pretty wicked academics or ECs to make up for it. I would say that's where the really subjective part of the interview comes in. Mine was 7 if you're curious.


Cheers :)

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Guest Paulchemguy

Ah canuck1, i guess the recommendation score is where it hit you the most. damn for me, it's the NAQ score. o bloody hell :(

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Guest ubcbiochemnerd

I thought these scores were confidential. anyways, only the interview scores form has that written.


My consensus is 87.13, I got rejected.

Academic 20.20, NAQ: 16.53, TCS = confidential.


However, they miscalculated my last 60 credits average by ~3.2 %. I called admission office about this issue. The women asn my call told me da at this point of the cycle, they can't really do anything. However, I still sent an email to asso dean to indicate the problem. I am wondering what would happen if they corrected it?

Anyone has this kind of experience?

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Guest TKP 123



The adcom decision is always a mystery to applicants. I think that people should not get too hung up on the scores (from the rejection letter). The fact that you get an interview this year means you will have chance next year again.


The interview, your reference letters (if you use another referee), and your upcoming extraactivities all play a big role in the scores, especially the interview score. For the interview, there is nothing for you to change it, as it really depends on your day of performance, your interviewers, as well as the candidates interviewed by your same panel.


To sum up, I think luck plays a big role in deciding whether you get in after the interview stage. The best thing you can do now is to keep up your volunteering, ECs, and maybe even think about your referees (are they really giving you good refs? this is something that you dont want to take it for granted). Apply again this coming September. The fact that you deserve an interview this year means that you probably have chance in the next cycle, provided that your GPA doesn't change much.


So, don't get too hung up on the scores. There are people who score very low in one year (not even on waitlisted), but get in the next year. See what I mean? :)

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Guest Paulchemguy

yah, i guess the formula/process indeed is a big mystery.. i mean wow biochemnerd, you got 10 in your recommendation yet you didn't make it.. and the rumour goes around saying a 10 on recommed-score can get you in.... this is weird.


about the reference letters, do they play a role in the NAQ score? i guess not right, since the interium stats have NAQ averages on it yet reference letters aren't submitted by then......

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Guest tigerlily

I think it's important not to discount your essay as well. I think (?) it doesn't play a *huge* role as to whether or not you get an interview (I know it counts, but I'm not sure how heavily it's weighted). But remember that your interviewers read it before they meet you, and if they are blown away by your essay, they will have a positive bias towards you when they actually meet you. The reverse is also true - if it's mediocre, they might think you're mediocre. Just something to think about :)

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Guest shetland23

" they miscalculated my last 60 credits average by ~3.2 % ."


That is horrible. I cant believe they made the mistake and have not done anything to rectify it.

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Guest hiredhelp

is it possible one of your references said something bad about you? Just a thought if all of your other criteria ranked so high.


Also is it possible to see if there were any red flags from your references?

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Guest cause2003

"and my panel recommendation is 10"

So you had a perfect interview and still got rejected … that sucks. I don't get why they’d invite an applicant to an interview if there was no chance to get in - even if they aced the interview. It seems unfair. Is there something more to the story, ie MCATs,


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Guest MKxox

I think with regards to ref letters, you can ask the admin office to view them b/c there was a disclaimer on each form that applicants will be able to view the letters/forms.

Hope it all gets figured out!


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Guest Quinn604

"a 9/10 or 10/10 can work wonders... an applicant with lower TFR could get in with those sort of scores. "


This is likely a rumour as I've received a recommendation score of 9 for 2 consecutive years on my interview and was rejected both times.



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Guest sensodyne

I believe the references are used only as a flag. In other words, a spectacular reference is just as good as a mediocre reference as long as the referee doesn't have anything bad to say about you. You can, however, find out what they said on the letters thanks to the freedom of privacy and info act (or called something like that).


I still haven't gotten my "regrets" letter yet and I'm an in-prov applicant. Could someone tell me whether this letter has your consensus score?

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Guest ubcbiochemnerd

I have consulted with another friend who got into ubc this year about this matter. All I can do now is to inform them the error on my last 60 average since it is a pretty big difference. I also sent an email to associate dean and adm secretary about this incident. Hopefully, they are willing to rectify about their mistake. I guess I just have to wait till the end of this long weekend to see what they gonna do.


I actually got a really low MCAT score, 11,7,11. However, I was seriously distracted during the mcat exam, and got a letter from AAMC explaining my situation. anyways, I have a red flag on the MCAT score on my rejection letter. Probably it is because of da.


My consensus would be ~90% if they correct the error. Does anyone know if I still have a chance to get onto the waitlist? Does anyone have any good advice for me?

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Guest shaka84

May I ask what you did for your NAQ score? It is one of the highest I have seen/heard. Any details would be great. A private reply would be great.


I recieved a 22.5/25 on the interview but only 8/10 on consensus. I am not sure a formula exists.



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