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Guest research101

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Guest research101

Looks like the decisions are up on the web.


I was accepted from out of province.


First order of business: Buy a pimp hat.

Second order of business: Wear said pimp hat.


If you chose your screenname for this message board to be some adjective you think is descriptive of yourself, I hope I don't see you next year.


For the rest of you, good luck.

If you're an attractive lady, I will fight for your admission.

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Guest Burachan83

I got in!


My friend and I are both from Vancouver and are attending a medical school in Australia (4 months into 1st year) but we both just found out we got in after our 3rd time applying to UBC! We're going back to Canada baby!

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Guest GundamDX

hum... mine turned green too ;) sigh... broke down to tears... but what the hell this kinda thing is once in a lifetime :P


Just wondering, anyone got the "pakcage by email" yet?

I thought it was by mail...


See you guys end of August. Good job :)

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Guest tigerlily

I think there's an email, but also the full package comes in the mail. I haven't got the email yet... I imagine they'll come out once all the applications are update. CONGRATS everyone so far :)

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Guest transplant

Congrats to those accepted so far and good luck to those still anxiously waiting...I got in, too. :-) Yeah, I was wondering about the "package by email"....makes more sense that it should be mail, no? I should probably stop stressing and relax now.


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I hear ya



i haven't heard as yet!!!..i guess they are in the process of updating everyone's status...


the wait is killing me!!!!

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Guest ubcbiochemnerd

Congratulation to all those who got in. mine is not out yet. I am having a hard time to breath because of this endless wait.

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