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submitting our final transcript

Guest medinvan

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Guest medinvan

I remember reading that we have to submit our final transcript to UBC (and to other med schools), but I can't seem to re-find where in the application instructions it says this. Does anyone remember if and when we need to submit our final transcripts?



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Guest Maple21

I *think* we don't submit them until we've been notified that we are either accepted or still under consideration (waitlisted) and i vaguely remember a date like june 1st? or maybe june 30th? if anyone knows for sure, please correct me!

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Guest MKxox

For UBC, according to the application timeline on the undergrad admissions website, June 15, 2006 is the deadline for submitting final official transcripts.



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Guest kupo

patience grasshoppers, be prepared for a fairly thick package telling you what you need to know and do, if you get accepted of course.



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Guest Parii

Hi there,


do you guys thing it will be beginning next week? For some reasons, I have a feeling they will contact us sooner than May 15 this year.


Anybody else has a knot in his/her stomach??



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Guest goodgye

This is my first time applying, but i don't understand why people are speculating they're going to wait until the 15th to send the offers out. The admissions website only says mid may. My question is if they have decided on who they're giving offers to and the waitlist within the next few days, would they wait until closer to the middle of the month or just send the offers out when they've finished deciding?

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Guest sensodyne

This email was from Victoria Lambert, the student affairs coordinator at UBC:


Hello SABB-10 members!




Well¡K the count down is on¡K Our Admissions Office tells me that acceptance/offer packages will be going out to would-be students the week after next ¡V May 15th to 19th!! I bet the wait has been tough but it¡¦s almost over!! Good luck everyone!!

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Guest goodgye

What does SABB-10 stand for?

and, are you in the program already sensodyne? Was this email sent out to applicants or current med students???

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Guest goodgye

Thanks for the info. sensodyne.

I sent an email to them to subscribe (I'm kind of curious as to why i've never heard of "SABB" before)

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Guest goodgye

Yeah i wasn't there. I think it was the day before my interview, and i didn't want to stress myself out seeing all the other applicants and how capable and competent everyone was.

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Guest Lurkergonepublic
Yeah i wasn't there. I think it was the day before my interview, and i didn't want to stress myself out seeing all the other applicants and how capable and competent everyone was.


You shouldn't have worried. I was astounded during the Q and A how many stupid questions there were from people who obviously either didn't read or didn't understand material on the website, application and interview package. Oh yeah, sorry there are no stupid questions. I should say 'uninformed' questions from people who really should have been informed from the material they had available.

:b :b :b


Okay that's harsh -no, really there were a lot of very qualified people there. Maybe everyone was just stressed out and wanted to ask a question, but just couldn't come up with something new....

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Guest GundamDX

lol not sure I was at the one that you were at. But I think most of the questions came from the OOP applicants too.

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Guest sensodyne

no, there are stupid questions and a lot of them were asked that night. It was a waste of time and I didn't even have enough time to have dinner before the session.

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Guest thatuvicguy

Hahaha, that brings back memories. I likewise remember being rather astounded last year at the number of questions that showed a total lack of knowledge about the program etc. There were quite a few annoying questions from parents that made you wonder how autonomous their children were, such as "Will my daughter be able to get into a BC residency?" Well, does your daughter want to ask questions for herself like a big girl? That might be a good start on that road....


Sorry if that's a little harsh, I just found it too funny. :eek


PS - I know, I know, maybe the applicant wasn't attending & sent parents in lieu...I can still make fun:smokin

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Guest kupo



that was totally harsh man. you should be ashamed of yourself ;) .


hey, aren't you that...er uvic guy? haha.




have a good weekend

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