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my interview panel

Guest ValerieHong

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Guest ValerieHong

Does anyone recognize any of these names? If you do, please let me know about their background. Thanks!


Interviewer 1: Dave Sangha

Interviewer 2:         Linda Wilson

Interviewer 3:         Erica Leyland

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Quick google turned up some possibilities:


Dave Sangha - Possible Social Worker UNBC

Linda Wilson - Possible GP

Erica Leyland - Possible Sales Rep




PS Friendly reminder: you have more important things to worry about for the interview. While knowing their background may have some potential benefit, trust me when I say this, it's not your priority.

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Guest ValerieHong

Kupo-Thanks for your help! I totally agree with you that I should focus on the interview itself, but now I feel more confident knowing whom I'm talking to.


PS. If anyone else could confirm their ID, that would be a plus:)

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My interview panel last year asked me point blank if I had Googled them before the interview. I said I had and it lead to a discussion about why... not a very comfortable situation to be in. In the end it was my answers to the questions that got me in, not who the interviewers were. Focus your interview prep time wisely!!!!

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Guest ValerieHong

Thanks for sharing your experience. It's interesting that they actually questioned you directly.


Now, a question for everyone here-- how did you guys prepare for the ethical questions in the interview?

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there were very few of them, if any at all. definitely less than the previous 1-1 interview format.


common sense and making it clear how much you know about a certain topic is the best way to go about unexpected ethical questions. that and understanding both sides, because in ethics - as they always say - there's no one right answer. Here are some things to think about a certain ethical problem:


1) what's the prudent thing to do?

2) what's the ethical thing to do?

3) what's the legal thing to do?

there's a fourth one, can't remember what it is but you get the point. there's multiple perspectives on a problem, which contributes to the reason why there's no one right answer.


Do any of these questions you ask yourself conflict with each other? and which one is more important to you?


good luck. one more week to go.

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Hi there,


I am wondering whether anyone knows one of my interview panel member. I have been googling a lot about "Herbert Calder" and can't find anything. Buy the process of elimination; (1. Darlene Redenbach: ubc academic, 2. Sabreena MacElheron: Prince George community person) I assume she/he is a clinician. However; it would be great to be sure about that and to know his/her specialty.


Thank you very much for your reply.



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