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Has this happened to anyone else??

Guest Scarlett

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Guest Scarlett

I'm currently working abroad, so I did not receive my AQ/NAQ scores until today when my bf emailed them to me and was shocked to find out I had scored 26/50. Last year I scored around a 41 or 42/50 (I was just over the OOP cut-off last year).


How could I score so much worse when I had virtually the same application as last year? My application was actually stronger (completed my MA, better MCAT score, more volunteer work) but I realize that the first two factors would not impact my AQ/NAQ scores. Is the selection process really that subjective? If so, that's horrible! I always knew there was an element of subjectivity in the application process, but for it to vary that much indicates some flaws in the system, no?


I realize that some of it could have to do with the other applicants, but still 15 points out of 50 (30% difference) seems like a big discrepancy...:(


If anyone has any insight on this I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.



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Did your last 60 credits GPA change dramatically? Would you post your overall GPA and last 60 GPA from both years along with the corresponding AQ score to help me figure out the AQ scoring equation?

Although there should be zero subjectivity in the AQ scoring the NAQ scoring will be subjective and you just might be a vicitm of somebody putting on their crankypants. I would definitely seek out clarification from admissions.

Did you get an interview last year?

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Hi Scarlett,


sorry to hear about this. 15 points difference sounds really out of range, though. I would double check this with your bf to make sure he is not reading you the wrong scores etc. Can you get him to fax the letter to you? If you, however, find out that the letter does say that you have gotten such a low score, I think you shoult either contact the office to make sure there is no errors OR wait until your feed-back session (if this session is scheduled early enough!!!) to bring this up. During your fb session you will have a chance to look over their marking etc and find our where you have lost points the most. And just to be on a really safe ground: I would also go back to my application (which you can still access online) and double check all the entries, dates, numbers etc to make sure I have indeed submitted all the information correctly and have not missed anything or have not submitted the wrong application/information to the wrong school.


I hope this helps and good luck to you.


regards, pari

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Guest Scarlett

Nope...My GPA could only have gotten better (I had 4.0 from my grad degree) otherwise nothing changed.


I unfortunately don't have my GPA info from UBC with me because I don't have this year's letter or last year's letter (they are back home in Canada) but I am trying to get that info myself. Although there shouldn't be subjectivity on the AQ I imagine it varies with the applicant pool somewhat.


I am interested to know what my actual AQ/NAQ scores were (I will hopefully find them out this weekend when I call home). Maybe that'll shed some light on things...


I did receive an interview last year, and even though I knew it was not guaranteed that I would get one this year (as is evident from the other posts) it surprised me that my scores were so different.


Any other ideas?


Hey Parii - just got your message. Thanks for the advice! I will hopefully get all the detailed info this weekend. I will also try emailing admissions just on the off-chance there was an error (I know it is not likely, but it is worth checking!). Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's a bit strange!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest grannysmithapple

Hi Scarlett,


I'm sorry to hear about your news. 15 points is a big difference, and I would check with admissions, if you haven't already. It could be a mistake.


Good luck.

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DEFINITELY check with admissions ASAP.


That's a huge descrepancy. Admissions is not perfect and they can make mistakes as well. A friend of mine thought she had an interview a couple of years ago only to mistakenly e-mail her because of a person with a similar name. She got an email interview invite (at the time, thats the way we knew if we had an interview), and then a week later she got a rejection letter.


Hope there's some reason for the difference.



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Guest Scarlett

Thanks for the advice... Before contacting admissions I had my bf read me the letter and it turns out he did have the wrong stats (you called it Pari!). I just missed the OOP cut-off this year which was much more realistic than a 15 point difference! I'm really glad to know that the admissions process is not that unpredictable... maybe I'll have better luck next year if the other schools don't work out either!

Thanks again, and sorry to raise a false alarm...I'll make sure to check my sources first next time! ;)



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Guest grannysmithapple

Dear Scarlett,


No need to be so apologetic. From what I gathered, you *are* a competitive candidate. Your self-confidence comes across.


Mistakes happen.


I would check with admissions anyways, really.




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