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Former employer as personal referee?

Guest UAgrad

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Hi guys,

I've been reading the threads about the three reference letters for UBC, and I wanted to ask for some advice. I was thinking of using a former employer for my community service referee (she's an MD who I worked with doing clinical research), and for my personal referee I was thinking of using someone who has known me since the age of 6, when he was my daycamp counsellor. When I grew up, I started working as a daycamp counsellor as well, under his supervision (that's the main way I know him). I would ask him to comment primarily on my personality and emotional growth, etc. rather than on my performance as an employee...he knows me fairly well. Ok, so both these people have been my employers. Is there a problem with that? Should I use the daycamp referee as a community service referee instead, since it's quite community-service oriented? I just really want to use the MD as a ref because she will write me a great letter. Or should I find someone else entirely (ie a former music teacher) to be a personal referee??? I'm totally unsure about what to do...


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i have been wondering the same thing. I have been working for the past year. Is there anything wrong with using my manager as my community service referee..she is an MD too





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i am wondering the samething...


on the website it says that a community service referee applys to manager/supervisor or peer..


can someone who interviewed at UBC in the past confirm this





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your fine. pick your referees that'll be able to answer the questions on the referee form. My referees were:


Academic - Principle Investigator (Lab)

Community Service - Supervisor (NRC - Co-op - Science research, in fact)

Personal - Former elementary teacher (Rural school - known me all my life)


If you are unsure, get it from admissions themselves. But just pick people that'll be able to comment on different aspects of yourself:


1) as an academic student

2) as a citizen in the community - as an employee and volunteer

3) as a person - what kind of person are you


If you can get your referees to do that, you are fine.



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