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Guest mistiss

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I would definitely recommend couriering your transcripts, as it is your responsibility to ensure that all required documents are received by the Admissions Office by the application deadline.


It states on the website "Late or missing transcripts ... will render a file incomplete. Incomplete files are ineligible and cannot be processed. This deadline is firm."

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I ordered my transcripts and submitted my MCAT scores weeks ago yet it still shows up as not received. Should I assume that the school has received them. Alberta's application says they've received my MCAT scores so I see no reason why UBC hasn't. (Alberta doesnt have an "indicator" for transcripts)



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At first I did not want to apply to UBC but now suddenly I've changed my mind. I should be able to finish the applications by the deadline the only problem is that I haven't sent my transcripts. Is it too late now if I send it by courier?

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Madz - I was going to ask the same question. I sent all 3 of mine by courier on the 21st. UBC has 2/3 as received...the one that is missing has made it to Memorial by regular mail so I would think UBC should have it by now.

I'm guessing that they are either backlogged on processing them or aren't faithfully updating their database. If you find out anything more, please post again. I'll do the same.

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Guest soulstress

I called the office yesterday, and the lady there said that they are in fact very behind on matching transcripts with applications. So for those who mailed it in, hang tight!


I dropped mine off in person 2 weeks ago and they just changed it to "received" on my application, so I guess that shows how busy they are.

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Thanks for the replies!


I have a record of the UofT Transcript Ctr mailing the transcript in the beginning of September. Hopefully, if my transcript got lost or something, I wont be penalized.



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hey everyone, i know it will be hard, and i know it'll be very tempting to do so, but please try not to inundate admissions with calls. they have s**t loads of mail to sort out. RELAX.


these are really nice people (i know first hand talking to them over the last few months). but like all human beings, getting called constantly regarding "transcript this, transcript that, mcat this, mcat that" can be annoying and effectively hamper they ability to sort out the applications efficiently.

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Guest Scholastica

Hi Kupo,


I've submitted my application, paid the application fee and $30 for transcript. The web screen STILL says the transcript is not received. I even ordered the transcript from my school registrar's office two weeks ago and nothing shows on the screen.


Here's my question. If I ordered my transcript from my school, why did I have to pay an extra $30 for transcript?

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Guest jaegwon

Hey Kupo - I don't think anyone here is too fired up (well at least I'm not...shouldn't speak for others I guess - especially premeds). Its just nice to confirm that other people are in the same position - I wouldn't want to get DQ'd b/c a transcript is missing! Now that I know that there are, I don't have to call them :)

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Admissions is busy. They won't update things until they get to your application in person. My transcript wasn't "received" until two weeks after I submitted (and I submitted the last day of last year). If you are submitting as an out-of-province applicant, the rules say you have to pay your 30 bucks extra. Are you an OOP?




I beg to differ. I've been on this forum long enough to know that people get fired up (maybe not you, but I know a lot do) about the whole waiting game and it's natural that people get anxious about it. I know everyone's worried about being DQ'd, but come on, there's so much you can do. Wait a couple of weeks for stuff to get handed in. I


For the general peoples,


f you haven't looked, there are updated faqs. They know you are anxious, and have been gracious enough to clarify to death many parts of the application.


I'm trying to get you guys to relax. That was the point of my last message. Having done this whole long, ardous, and at times annoying process before, I've learned that there's no point in stressing over everything.


Good luck



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Guest Scholastica

Hi Kupo,


Yes. I'm from Ontario. I paid $10 to my school registrar's office to send a transcript to UBC, and then UBC charged me $30 again for transcript. So I was wondering what $30 was for. That's all. :)


Thanks for your help!

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