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English Requirement

Guest Jixe

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Does anyone know if the English requirement at UBC must consist of first year courses? Would second year English courses suffice?


This is what is stated on the UBC MD admission requirements portion of the website:


(1st yr) 6 credits


(English courses must be offered by the English department. Preference for one full year of English Literature courses, or one half year of English Literature and one half year of English Composition)

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Guest TKP 123

That's pretty interesting question.


Do you have first year level English taken at UBC?


But what you should do is to consult the Admissions Office to be sure.


This is same as the question asking if BIOCHEM 400 level can substitute BIOCHEM 300 level pre-requisites, or can 400 level Organic Chem substitute second year level organic chem.


But definitely check it out with the official people from the school so you don't miss the chance.



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Guest Jochi1543

Interesting. I'm taking a junior level Lit course now (Japanese literature) and in the fall I'm registered for first year Lit, but it's not basic composition or anything like it. It's titled "American Voices," so I guess it's basically American literature. These two better qualify! I had to take Japanese lit for my Japanese major, and "American Voices" satisfies one of my graduation requirements, so I got it worked out quite nicely.....UBC better acknowledge my superior planning skills.:hat

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Guest scrubbed

Hey there Jixe,


Check out




The English requirements are listed here for BC universities.


For UBC,


(1st yr)1 6 credits

Choose any two of: ENGL 110, 111, 112, 120 or 121. (Engl 112 recommended)


I presume that you have taken a first year course (or English AP) before your upper year course. If not and it's because if some special situation, contact the Admissions office and explain your situation.


If you are referring to whether a better mark in a second year course can stand in for a lower mark in an equivalent first year course, I believe the answer is no. Your prereq average will be calculated based on your first year English mark. Some schools take your best prereq mark though.


Unless you did very poorly, it won't matter too much as prereq averages are not used in your overall score.



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meeting the ubc english requirement can be a little tricky. re. the japanese lit course, it probably won't count because you likely studied material that wasn't originally written in english. i had the same problem - 4 or 5 lit courses, none of which counted towards ubc's english pre-req. kind of ridiculous if you ask me as the skills they're asking for aren't limited to studying works originally written in english.


this board isn't the best place to answer these types of questions though. it's good that the issue is raised though so that others know what they might run across. to answer your question, call ubc admissions. you'll probably be forwarded to the english department who will give you the thumbs up or down.

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