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Notices will be OUT...

Guest acarpent1

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Guest acarpent1

Hey waiters,


I called NOSM friday, and they said that the interview notices would be sent out via email and snail mail friday. I called yesterday afternoon again, and they said that they hadn't been sent out, but that they would be sent out today (Tuesday) via email and regular mail.


WE'LL SEE I guess!


Waiting is the worst.. keep truckin' people!

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Guest professore76

I don't think anything will be happening today. My guess is before the end of the month. I hope all of you have Plan B in effect just in case. Goodluck.

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Guest acarpent1

I just called NOSM and the lady said they are DEFINATELY sending ALL emails out today, and that letters ("a hard copy") will also be sent out today. Although she did say she didn't know if they could get them all out by five, she was adamant that everything would be sent out SOMETIME today.




(although I can definately understand the prof's prediction)

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Guest acarpent1



I have no idea..


the lady I JUST talked to.. and posted about was at EAST campus. I just called WEST campus and got an answering machine saying that "interview notices will be sent out wednesday february 15th"


I am so excited about a potential invite, and if not, then of course there is a plan B, but this waiting, and changing of the dates when they say they'll tell us seems almost mean. Originally they said before/on Feb 13th. I understand that things happen, and obviously they are doing what they need to do on their end, and I respect that, but this feels awful.

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Guest NurseNathalie

congrats to everyone who received an interview!


I beleive you will be receiving a follow up letter shortly. This will have the interview details (ie: location)... at least, I beleive that's how it was last year.



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