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1st Round Offers

Guest OOP

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Guest OOP

Things are a little quiet on the Alberta boards for the past few days. Thought I'd spice things up a bit. Does anybody know when the offers for the 1st round are sent out? Anyone heard anything? I was told that they would be sending out letters of acceptance this week. Fingers crossed!!

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Guest AB newbie

1st round acceptances have started. I got mine in the mail today!!!! I couldn't stop shaking for the next half hour. For all those wondering the letter came in a standard, white, letter sized enveloppe and was 2 pages thick with a reply enveloppe also folded inside.


Good luck to all of those still waiting.



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hey ab newbie,


are you an in prov or out of prov applicant... also, maybe you can give us a few details about yourself such as GPA, MCAT, Year of studies (finished degree?) and university you're attending.



Congrats to you! I can't even imagine how great your must feel right now!




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Guest Ian Wong

Congrats AB Newbie! :hat


Would you mind dropping me an email when it's convenient for you. I'd like your help with a project of mine. mdpremie@yahoo.com


Thanks, and again congratulations!



UBC, Med 3

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Guest AB newbie

I am in province and I graduated in 2001.


My stats were solid but definitely not stellar so I think I must have had a lot of good luck ( also I did smile extra big at the interview).


BSc From UBC (with a non traditional major)

Cumulative GPA ~3.7 (but last 2 years were 3.85)

MCAT 34 O (my essays were completely uninspired)

EC's- no hospital volunteering but I did do a few unique things that the interviewers seemed pretty excited to ask me about.


For those still waiting for interviews:


I interviewed on Feb 22 and had a good feeling initially, then started to think back and panicked realizing that I had totally stumbled on a couple of the questions. I don't think the most important thing is to get the "right " answers but rather to show the interviewers that you are really passionate about going to their school and being a doctor (at least that is the approach that I tooK).


Anyways, to all those still waiting- I am definitely not of the superhuman breed- I guess they let some normal folk in too!



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Guest shkelo

Well done!! I also received a letter the other day!! I'm (so) excited to go to med school! Woo hoo! Ah...let the summer begin. Like you, I also do not have stellar stats. Coming out of undergrad (Alberta), I had an 8.1 GPA, 27S MCAT, and a shwack of ECs. My pre-req avg. probably helped me out though with ~8.4. I think the deciding factor for me was definitely the interview. I was told (by the admissions office) that scores on the interview have the "power" to move you 60-80 places (up or down!!) in the overall rankings. If you come up BIG here, it's almost a guarantee. Likewise, even if you have the superhuman stats, scoring poorly on the interview (IMHO) severely jeopardized your chances of admission. I also felt I had a good essay and spent nearly a month on it, going through several revisions before the final draft. I had a few questions directly on it and my interviewing panel had said they enjoyed reading it. If you thought you smiled big at your interview, imagine me when I heard that!! Overall, the interview was an enjoyable experience.


Good luck to those still waiting and to those with interviews in May! To those interviewing in May: if you feel that your interview was terrible (within reason), you can always request a second interview within 24 hours. Most people don't know this but U of A makes every effort for you to put your best foot forward! Again, best of luck!

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Guest UofA man

congrats on your acceptance.


anyways can you fill me in on what your pre reqs were like and what the interview was like. I have mine in May and like yourself I don't have stella marks but do have other life experiences.



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Guest The Fox Rox

Hey fun dip,

I have my interveiw in May, but also have a cancer biology conference on the same day as my interview, which I wanted to attend. So I called up the admissions office to try to move it. They said they could move it to July. HOwever, normally in July they interveiw the few people that have finished their prerequisites in the second semester and because of good performance on it, fall into the interview pool. However, they also warned me against moving my interveiw to July, as they dont always have people who fall into the July category, and hence dont always have interview in July. Marlene (the admission lady) mentioned that this year there were not that many students who might fall into the Julyintervie pool, and hence the July inteview will probably not occur.


If you are waiting for an interview in July, you might have a chance if you are completing U of A prerequisites and do well in them. If not, then the chances dont look good. Sorry.


Finally, I want to make it clear that this is just my interpretation of what was I told when I talked to the admissions people. I apologize if I have given any wrong information. Good luck on all the other universities you have applied to.

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Guest MDCY

Congrats to you, Shkelo. So are you choosing UofA for sure then? What if you get accepted at UC too? I take it you must have been excited as hell when you received your package. Congrats again! Best of wishes in your career.

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Guest hulahulahula

Hey guys, congrats! I received my acceptance on May 1st as well, and was totally excited!!! Let me just say that I thought my U of A interview went the worst out of all of my interviews -- my voice was shaky, I felt like I wasn't getting any responses or feedback -- so it only goes to show that even if you think your interview went badly, it probably didn't! Good luck to everyone in May!

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Guest shkelo

Thanks MDCY. I think so...although the 3-year med school deal is tempting. What's that saying: "A bird in hand is better than two in the bush." U of A requires confirmation of admission (and $175) by May 13th, which is dangerously close to UC's offers of admission. May 10th isn't it, MDCY? (I've noticed you've got a countdown going on Calgary's forum.) I haven't rushed off to smack my money down just yet. I've got to make a pretty firm decision on that possibility this weekend. A few pints of beer might help...


P.S. You bet I was excited! It sure feels good. I hope you get one too. If the number of posts you put on the forum (or e-mails to Adele) are any indication of your motivation, I'd say you're guaranteed a spot.

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Guest Ian Wong



Congrats! :hat Would you mind firing an email my way at your convenience? I'd like your help on a project of mine. mdpremie@yahoo.com


Again, good work! Sure feels good to open that letter; almost makes all the hoop-jumping seem like absolutely nothing.



UBC, Med 3

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Guest mtheaded

Just a quick note to say that I got an acceptance letter to the UoA as an out-of-province applicant from the first round of interviews. I guess being an Oilers fan helps after all......


Good luck,


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Guest hulahulahula

Hey all,


Does anyone know if accepting at the U of A means you get wiped off the acceptance list for any other school?

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