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when do we find out?

Guest cp00739

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Guest chrissy

wow... that's so late... what happens if we get waitlisted, and then we've started school elsewhere by the time we're taken off the u of a waitlist?


I mean, what happens if you start at u of c cos you're not sure about u of a and then u of a calls you at the end of august? if u of a is your first choice (its mine) it would be pretty tempting to walk out on the u of c... i know that's shitty, and that one less person would get into med in the whole province of alberta... but i mean... would anyone else here be tempted to do that?


also... i've been trying to get ahold of marlene healey... she doesnt seem to return calls... does she ever answer her email??? if so, can you provide me with the address you've been using? maybe mine is a little outdated...


thanks all...




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I think walking out on u of c is a bad idea... I too am hoping to get into uofA. But, the more I think about uofc the more I realize it is the better school. Besides, meds is meds.... You will be a doctor no matter where you go...

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Guest yoyo

as a matter of fact, this one guy started at uofc last year but then got into uofa. so he took off after 1 week. that was rude of him in the big picture, of course. but- its a personal decision, and he has the right to try to be happier for the next 4 years if he wants. nice guy, though, seriously.

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Guest MDCY

That's why UofA is notorious for it's late acceptances...sucks for the people who are waiting. I'm totally unimpressed with their timetable for handing out acceptances.

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Guest chrissy

ian... why do u think u of c is a better school? are you living in calgary or edmonton right now?


and as yoyo pointed out, it's more for personal reasons that i want to stay in edmonton... i'm just wondering if there's repercussions for bailing on a medical school... for example, if you bailed on u of c would it be pretty much impossible to get a residency at the foothills hospital?


yoyo... are you a u of c med student now? i'd love to know if u of c was able to still find someone to take the spot of the student who left after one week...


mdcy, are you still waiting for u of a too?


well... i'm hoping i get accepted at the u of a at the end of the month... that way i can free up a spot on the calgary waitlist and be where i really want to be...

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Guest cp00739

do we have to wait for a response by mail...does anyone know what day we can go to the admissions office and check??


thanks all!!

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Guest shkelo

The adcoms meet after June 15th. This is the last date for submission of additional materials (e.g. MCAT results for those that wrote the exam this April and conferred Masters/PhD-related materials for those applicants who would receive "extra" marks for their advance degree(s)). Decisions will likely be made for the second round in the last two weeks of June. Waiting list/rejection letters would soon follow and are usually delayed by a few days. As far as I'm aware, you cannot tell the difference between "good" and "bad" letters by weight, thickness, etc...


Good luck everyone!!

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Hey Chrissy - breif answer



1 year less

No marks = reduced stress

Calgary is nicer than edmonton

I live in Toronto

> clinical exposure in early years

Lots of flexibility and time to study



My interview experience at cal far exceeded AB...

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Guest chrissy



those are almost the exact reasons i wanted to go to u of c in the first place...


seeing as you're living in Toronto right now, I'm guessing you're both an OOP applicant to U of A & U of C... did you apply to Mac? If so, I'd love to hear your opinions on how U of C compares to Mac seeing as how they're both 3 year programs... Personally, Mac wouldn't be for me because it seems like the program is a lot more self-directed than Cal's... I have a tendancy to be a little lazy, and I'm sure I would fail out of their program...

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I was rejected at Mac - but I agree with you. Calgary and macs programs are similar. But, calgary's has more structure.


I am an OP applicant. I would rather go to an Ontario school than an Alberta school. But, Calgary has best program in the country - that is of course my opinion.

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Guest chrissy



now that the ontario results are out, is there any chance that you'll end up at an ontario school?


i dont know much about any Ontario schools, except Mac... a friend of the family always has good things to say about UWO, but that's because he went there :)



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Guest shkelo

They won't tell you anything at the med office. Would you really want someone (in person, mind you) to say, "Your application was carefully reviewed by the Admissions Committee, but I regret to inform you that you have not secure a spot for next year's class. Thanks for applying!! Have a better day!!"


Be patient. It will be over sooner than you think. BTW, I found out what tuition is going to be for next year: ~$6150, plus $1700 in books and instruments and another $550 in fees. If you get in, be prepared to fork over $8400 in the first month. Books/instruments costs are not a one shot deal either. You need an additional $1700 in BOTH years 2 AND 3. With the way tuition at U of A has risen in the past 10 years, I won't be surprised that in 4th year, we'll be paying in excess of $8000 for med school tuition alone (it was nearly a $400 increase from the previous year). A quick calculation suggests that someone going to med school will need close to $35,000 in school-related fees over the next four years...just a thought to keep your mind occupied.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest monkey

in a week and a half we'll be expecting letters. am i right to say that? it'd be CLOSE to the end of the month...and i'm getting tired of this dumb waiting.

<i am quite grumpy today>

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Guest tommygirl



Do you know that for sure, re: the dates for letters, I mean?


I wonder if anyone can tell me if they are doing a 3rd round of interviews in July?


UA is spectacularily unhelpful re: admissions/helping students. Did my undergrad and grad school here and ran into the same problems, consistently (meaning they never took the time to change the system)...

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The adcom meets June 26 & 27 to decide on the spots they're going to offer in late June/early July. A few days after the meeting, all the letters will be printed and mailed... so if you look at the calendar, it seems like we'd be getting our letters at the end of the first week of July. I got this info from the admission office itself.


There is definately a third round of interviews. I know this because a friend has scheduled her re-interview in July.


Monkey, I've seen your posts in other forums... what's your first choice? UofA, UWO or Sask?




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Guest tommygirl

Hey Monkey,


Nope-- not impressed with UA, at all. Actually this isn't specific to UA meds but UA admin, in general.

Like I said, I got the run around, low prioritization of students in undergrad and grad school, too.


Actually, it was after I went to the other med schools around Canada and talked to the admin there, that I realized not all schools dust off their applicants. In fact, most of them don't.


Despite this, UA is my first choice only for the reason that it is my home school and therefore would cost me less than any other.


In a perfect world, I would definitely go with Queens. I LOVED my interview experience, there.


Actually, as apathetic as current meds admin is, they have improved somewhat: there used to be med advisor who was an absolute terror= Sylvia Franklin. She just tore a strip off everybody who went to her with their applications. She told 5 of my friend to "set their sights lower b/c they'd never get in with marks like theirs. (They had a few 7's here and there).

Today they are all 1year residents at UA who also did the UGME at UA.


UA gave Sylvia a promotion, btw. She is still here but doesn't do undergrad consults anymore, now she terrorises the med students as a UGME consult.

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Guest monkey

tommygirl: having a terrorizing queen in UGME isnt an improvement is it?! i totally understand the whole cheaper and home issue. i got accepted to UWO and am worried about living so far from my parents...


EB: still undecided! i havent heard back from UA or UofS. so at the moment its totally UWO! i really liked my time there...people were absolutely amazing and great....and it is such an awesome place (london).

...but we'll c what happens in the next few weeks.


i still dont like the way UA does this late thing!!!!!!!<grumpy>

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Guest shkelo

This is just a guess but U of A still accepts MCAT results from the April 2002 sitting. This mostly affects 2nd year students who want to first take all the MCAT-related coursework before writing the exam. However, they are doing away with this for next year and all supplementary materials (reference letters/essay/resume) need to submitted by the Fall application deadline (not January 15th as in previous years). I wonder if these are small steps towards speeding up the process (e.g. sending more offers to coincide with early admission or Calgary's for instance). They still have the June 15th deadline for Graduate students though and technically, someone could take a course or two during Spring term and have it count towards their application but I'm sure this is quite rare (I wonder what the % of graduate student applicants really is and if this is enough to delay sending offers.)


As for the interview scores, I too wish they were more transparent. Unfortunately, U of A doesn't even publish how the interview is scored in the first place, so good luck on that coming to fruition. If a 3 in the interview is considered average, then I don't think it's enough to guarantee you a spot in next year's class. My guess is that most successful applicants score a 4 or higher.


Sorry to hear about your father, Erin. Is it cancer?

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