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Transfer (?)

Guest Elliott

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Guest Elliott

I am currently attending college in BC, completing my first and second year pre-reqs. I would like to transfer to the U of A at the end of next year. I have checked out the websites (BC Transfer Guide, Alberta Transfer Guide and the U of A website) and found some information but not course specific information. I got in touch with the University and was told that they cannot provide preliminary academic counseling unless you have applied. That's OK.

What I am wondering is if any one has transferred to U of A from another province and how their experience was in transferring their credits? I was told I may have to provide course outlines from courses taken in BC, etc. I am also curious about the following scenario: If I transfer to U of A and say they decide to take 75% of my courses as credit, so I am short 15 credits. If I then have to take the U of A equivalent of that course in order to graduate and get into med school (say Chem 1xx, Inorganic Chem, Stats, etc.), will med school admissions view that as a retake if I have done that course at another PSI but it was not transferable? Does anyone know how will they view this situation? I am not worried that it could take me an extra semester or two to get my degree due to my transfer, I am only concerned that this may negatively impact my application to U of A's med school. Do I even have to have to retake these pre-reqs at U of A?

Any help would be a God-send, my head hurts from all this transfer-smanshfer business.



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Hi Elliot,


I have been through the transfer game a couple of times, and my sister just did the whole routine for the U of A. If the courses are basically the same, I think they will do a straight transfer (if they will transfer at all - large universities like the U of A don't tend to give out credits easily). In my sister's case, she took alot of classes at a different institution which don't really have parallel classes at the U of A, or that she can't really use in the future. Also, what tends to happen is that a large uni will only give you partial credit for your classes, like 3 full year transfer credits for doing 6 full year classes. In a case like this, you basically have to redo a year anyway to get all of your credits (because they didn't give you a full year). I know this wasn't really your primary concern, and I can't answer your other question about 'doubling up' courses and how U of A would look at that. I think lots of it depends on the institution you attend now - how reputable U of A views it is. I would apply for transfer credits right away if you do want to transfer, because it often takes them alot of time to sort out the details. Good luck!



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Guest coolguy3650

I think most med schools give you space on your application to explain weird grades and stuff like that (your situation could possibly apply). I'm not sure if all med schools do that.

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Guest Elliott

Thanks Megs and CoolGuy. I am rethinking my options right now and considering staying in BC and transferring into my program at SFU after two years or transferring to U of A for next fall.

I have been looking at the application process for U of A and was curious about something: is there a "general application" for U of A? I cannot seem to locate this option, I have checked out the application form as well. From what I gather, when you apply to U of A you have to apply to not only the school but for entrance directly into the faculty in which you wish to pursue your degree as well?



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