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reference letters

Guest jeffsimz

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Guest jeffsimz

I notice that many schools in the US ask for letters specifcally from Science profs if your school does not have a committee. My science classes have been huge and I have not really met a prof who would know me. Anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you go about asking for letters. Thanks.



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Guest Chieka

Hi Jeff,


I really can't think of a way to go around it. Basically, just think of all the sciences courses you've had, identify the prof that you've had the most contact with, and approach her. I doubt that you won't be able to find a prof that doesn't even recognize you. Your prof will probably have an idea who you are. I suggest that you give the prof a copy of your CV and your transcript, and maybe even telling her a little about your goals. This may make it easier for her to write a more personalized and specific letter, which is in turn a stronger letter.


I wouldn't let your LOR (letter of reference) situation stress you out too much. Remember that hundreds of other students face the same problem. Also, LORs, while a factor in determining admission have a limited influence on the adcom's decision. Even the greatest LOR will not guarantee admission. I'd be more worried about an LOR that says something negative about you as a person/student, than I would be about having a non-specific LOR. Both are not favourable situations, but one is a lot worse than the other.


All the best!



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The last undergraduate science course I took was in 1997. Can I use the people on my master's thesis committee for references?



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Guest dfenst

Call the school and ask them, because I remember asking Jefferson Medical College for a special request and they honored it. I hadn't done science since 1995 so finding 3 quality letters was tough. I was able to scrounge up 2, but then got the 3rd from an information technology prof of mine. The safest thing is to call the school and talk to a human who might be understanding of your predicament.



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