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Guest VS12

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Does anyone know if the adcoms will take april 2006 mcat scores in consideration when evaluating people on the waitlist? I had heard from someone that if I were to make it on the waitlist, that I could show Beth my new scores, to bump me up on the list. True? False?

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extremely false, April 2006 scores only count for next year's cycle. Once you're slotted into a spot on the waiting list, only a mistake in addition by the faculty or something extreme like that could bump you up

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Guest happy2bme

Ummmm it actually might not be entirely false, I believe I know someone who indeed that MAY have happened to on the waitlist (their 3rd application) a couple years previous or it may have been a mistake as Jag has said. I can't confirm right now but I will try to look into it when I see the person in a few weeks whether it was a mistake or a new spring MCAT that bumped them. I don't think it's a regular policy though. It would make a heck of alot of work for Admissions to keep changing MCAT and Agpa score that close to admissions date. especially since the MCAT scores would come out until June, more likely After regular acceptance had been mailed out anyways.

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There has been a case where the faculty used an august score when the april score was better or vice versa which caused a bump-up on the waitlist, but they were scores that were within the same year. April is usually the first try for the year, and august is the last try for a given application year. Therefore, the only consideration for this cycle is April and August 2005 scores or older ones

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