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working while sick

Guest McMastergirl

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Guest McMastergirl

I hope to generate some discussion here about working with patients while sick. Me, I'm a wimp when I'm sick and will stay home if I can at all get away with it, mostly for my own comfort but I try to justify it to myself by thinking that it's better for the patients too. Not to mention my co-workers. What do you think? Is it worse to call in sick, leaving others to pick up your slack, or to go in while sick, exposing your patients and colleagues to your viruses?

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Guest UWOMED2005

Honestly - the correct answer is that if you are honestly sick you shouldn't show up. It's not good for the health of the patients or yourself.


But. . . is this what I follow? If I'm contagious (ie influenza) then hell yeah!


But I have to admit that hasn't always been the case when I wasn't contagious. Week 4 of my internal medicine rotation I developed vertigo, probably secondary to an inner ear infection (ie labyrinthitis.) The symptoms last 3 weeks. It was a major nuisance and I wasn't operating 100%, but to miss half my CTU internal medicine unit would have put me way behind.

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Guest Elaine I

As a paramedic, by law I'm not allowed to work even if I have the sniffles. However, if I stayed home every day that I didn't feel quite right... Working through SARS really increased our awareness of transmission of diseases. I still go to work if I'm only a "little not well", but I wear a mask when I contact patients. Given that we still wear masks on any SOB/febrile calls, the public and ER staff are used to it, and don't think it is that strange to see a paramedic with a mask on (though I still don't like those masks!).



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Guest McMastergirl

I agree that you shouldn't work if you are contagious - like a new resp infection or gastro. I am especially paranoid about gastro illnesses - I do a lot of handwashing and I never eat food that's been sitting around the nursing station for everyone to share. So far (knock wood) - in 4 years of working in hospitals, no gastro.

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Guest satsumargirl

This is an interesting topic. And one that sometimes frustrates me. I work in a hospital (allied health) and often see many staff who come in sick and are proud to not have any sick days and act like they don't want to let anything stop them from working. They frustrate me on 2 levels: 1) working with the geriatric population this places them at increased risk, 2) it also places more risk for me to get sick...and I dont' like working when I'm sick! So I'd rather sick people just stay home (from work or the gym or wherever!)


Then there is the hospital policy on sick days:


They tell everyone that if you symptomatic you shouldn't come into work for the benefit of the patients. However,

for the first 3 years of working at this hospital you only get paid 70% of your salary for you sick days....so many people who are sick still come into work b/c they want their full pay.

This 70% increases until after many years you do get the 100% but I don't recall how many years that is 8 or maybe 10?? Recently our program called in any staff who missed 6 or more days of work b/c they were sick (since Sept last year) to discuss hospital expectations re: attendance. Also, not very encouraging to stay home when you are sick.


And it doesn't even matter of you are sick because of work. Last year I caught a viral pneumonia from a pt. I was asked to do an Ax on. Apparently the pt had a stroke, so I did the Ax with no protection. The next day they confirmed a viral pneumonia and a couple days later (within the incubation period) I myself had it. Still only got my 70% and forced to stay home for ( I believe) 2 days after symptoms had resolved.


Obvioulsy with a viral pneumonia I was in no condition to come to work anyway. However, I do admit that with mild symptoms I do come to work, for the above mentionned reasons. I try to avoid patients though (get caught up on paperwork etc.) and wear a mask if I do need to have pt contact.


I try not to eat the food at the nursing station only 'cause it is making me gain weight! Several years ago though I stopped drinking out of water fountains, I found I stay much healthier!



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Guest McMastergirl

Really? Water fountains eh? I don't drink out of them...in fact, I don't think there are any in my hospital.

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