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Do I put my comic book collection in my ABS?

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Hey Everyone,


I know I know. Silly comic books... don't diss it til you've tried it lol!


Anyways, I have a pretty extensive comic book collection that I started about a decade ago. Should I mention that in my sketch? If I do, would it be an "extra-curricular" activity or an "other"?


On the one hand it doesn't exactly "demonstrate an ability to determine needs in one’s community and a willingness to play a part in filling those needs" nor is it a structured activity, but on the other hand it does provide a bit of insight into who I am.


Do you think someone reading that will just roll their eyes and assume I'm padding my sketch?


Let me know what you think and why!



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Do you think someone reading that will just roll their eyes and assume I'm padding my sketch?


Let me know what you think and why!




It seems to me that this is worth including, especially if you are involved in your local comic book community. I know this is a really active group of people, I have to assume that I'm not the only one who knows that books aren't just for kids. Good luck with your choice!

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I'm sorry Magnum, but I don't think that it has much relevance to your application as a medical student. Yes, it provides insight into your character but does that insight actually demonstrate how you are well-suited for medicine? We all have very diverse interests and not necessarily all of the warrant attention in this particular circumstance. It is much better to FOCUS on activities that actually "demonstrate an ability to determine needs in one’s community and a willingness to play a part in filling those needs".


I know other people will have different opinions, which is great. However, I know that when I interview/examine applications next spring, I will be looking for RELEVANT extra-curricular activities/commitments.

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