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Becoming an Army Dentist through Canadian Forces

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Hey Guys,


I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few questions I have about becoming an army dentist.


1) When does an interested applicant who has already been admitted into dentistry apply for joining the army? When I am being interviewed in dentistry schools would I have to tell them that my plan is to join the army and why it is so?


2) What are the requirements for making it into the army. Is there a certain number of push-ups, pull-ups and other physical feats I have to be able to do? If so what are they: I would really like to test myself to find out if I can make it.


3) Is there an interview and other tests (besides physical) that are done?


4) How competitive is it: Do they take everyone who applies or are they very competitive. What are the stats?


5) What if I want to join the Navy or Air Force. Is this possible and if so do I have to take different roots from the start for doing so?


I have looked at the official Canadian Forces website but I didn't find the specifics and details into how/when I should apply, etc, etc. They have only listed all the advantages of becoming an army dentist.


Those are all the questions I can think of for now.


Any help is appreciated.

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certainly joining the army has its own advantage, I almost join myself, but didn't, my parents would certainly disown me with I've done so. There's definitely opportunity during the dental school year to join, just ask the upper years. Every year there's someone in your class or upper year class join the army... (they paid off your tuition, you living expense, how great could that be, but you will be spending your summer in boot camp)

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It is surprisingly competitive. I think it is mainly due to the lower number of spots compared to medicine. A number of my classmates applied and of those that got in, they were waitlisted.


It is a great way to avoid debt and to serve your country. However, you do lose some flexibility, but that's only for dental school and for the subsequent 4 years.

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Once you know that you have been admitted to a dental school you can apply for the DOTP. They won't accept you if you're not going into or are already in a Canadian dental school. What you can do for now is collect all the information on the career and by talking to a recruiter to make sure that this is the path you want to take. Find out all the details and the fine print. Research the career first. Talking face to face with a recruiter will help answer all your questions.


I personally don't think it is necessary to tell them you're going to join the CF as a dentist, but you could. It's your personal choice whether you want to start up your own practice, join a practice etc.


Your questions on the physical fitness can be found on this page in the PDF file on the right. There are certain number of push-ups, sit-ups etc but the test is not hard to pass.




Yes it is a lengthy process with lots of paper work. They do have some other written tests that you have to take when you join, but they're straight forward. You shouldn't worry about them. There is an interview like any other job.


I'm not too certain about your question in regards to the army, navy or air force. Don't quote me on this, but I believe dental offices fall under the Canadian Forces Health Services (which isn't army navy or air force ... technically) but what I think happens is you can be attached to any unit army navy or air force.


Joining is competitive. I don't know the stats.


Hope this helps. Talk to a recruiter. That's your best bet.

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It's very important to tell them what you want. They are there to help you find a military job and if you don't specify what you want then they will try to recruit you for something that is badly needed like an officer in the combat arms - infantry, artillery, or armoury or an officer as a pilot etc. Take things that the recruiters say with grain of salt cause they are there to sell the military and make it sound all peachy. I've got a couple buddies that are enlisted (NCM and one that just completed a tour in Afghanistan) and they say to go with someone or at least be able to talk to someone who will give you an honest opinion about the ins and outs especially if you have never been closely associated with or involved in the military.


It will definitely be an adventure. Good luck to you.

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When you apply there are usually three options that you can put for the trade you want to join e.g infantry, armoured etc. Just put only dental officer and don't put any other alternative. Another alternative route that you can take is join the reserves as an NCM or officer in a trade of your choice and do a component transfer to the Reg Force as a dental officer if you really like the military life style. Talk to friends or family who are in the military to get a better idea of what it's all about (as was suggested above). It's not for everyone.

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