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UdeM lettre autobio

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Hi, I was hoping to get more info about the on-the-spot lettre autobiographic that we have to write. Is it very open ended, like a personal statement, or are we to answer specific questions? If so, what should I be prepared to write about?


Also, I tried to access the reply to a post about being an anglophone student but there was a problem with the link. I'm in a similar situation. I'd love to study in French, and can get around alright with day-to-day french, but I have not taking any French science courses since primary school and I don't know if that will have a huge impact on my grades first year. Any advice?


Thanks in advance!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Tye,

The letter that you have to write will address specific questions like:

1) What is your biggest fear

2) What is your most important quality

3) What are other carriers that you consider and why did you not go towards them?

4) 3 success in your life, 3 failures in your life... or things like that


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  • 1 month later...

First post on this forum but I've been reading for a very long time. My gf is currently in her "année préparatoire" at UdeM. When she did her on-site autobiography last year, she had her resume with her and was allowed to use it. Just thought I'd mention it so you don't forget to bring it along! :)

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Hey thanks so much for that advice! I was just wondering if by resume you meant just a list of things you'd like to mention or if you can actually write out brief answers to common questions. Although I speak french pretty well, it's not my first language and I'm afraid I'll be at a loss for words come the big day.


Also, a bit of a silly question: there's a lunch to meet with peers and the faculty before the interviews begin. Do you know if you should be already dressed in your suit, or just go casual and then change for your interview.


Thanks again,



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