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DAT preparation

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Hi! I was just wondering what is the best DAT prep. book out there.


1) Kaplan?

2) IQ Publication?

3) Barron's?

4) TopScore Pro for the Canadian DAT (CD-ROM)

5) Schaum's?


Can anyone recommend any from above? (Can be more than one)

Kaplan, IQ publication, Barron's and Schaum's are all good.

I'm using Kaplan as my main study guide

I haven't tried Barron's but from what I have heard and read it's pretty good

I just took out Schaum's Biology and Chemistry CRASH COURSE book (i'm emphasizing the word CRASH COURSE because there's a regular Schaum's biology out there that is obviously more in depth), so far it hasn't provided me with any material that hasn't already been covered by Kaplan's material.

I've never used TopScore Pro for the Canadian DAT (CD-ROM)


My advice is that if you had to pick one out of the five, choose Kaplan, and use IQ publication for it's questions, because I've heard they're pretty similar in difficulty to the questions that come up on that DAT.

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oh and also I'd advise you to take the Kaplan DAT course

a lot of people will probably disagree with me with me on that

now I'm not sure if it's too late for you, I'm guessing you're writing it this upcoming Feb? correct me if I'm wrong

Anyways, the classes were pretty worthless, the only good thing is that it kept me on track

But why I recommend the course is because the extra material that Kaplan supplies via the net when you are a registered Kaplan student

I also learned the basics of carving during one of the classes so that was also very helpful

Also, I met a lot of other students, and with their help I was able to photocopy IQ publication books and other such material and try to get insight into how they were going about studying for the DAT


I hope this helps



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