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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

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Isn't this sort of question designed to "probe" what kind of person you are? I don't think there are (or should be) good or bad answers to this - everyone should hopefully have different ones.


I.e., I would say my first wish would be to have three more wishes :P


Seriously though, one of my wishes would be the ability to teleport to anywhere I want because I love traveling and adventures...and I'm sure teleportation would be the easiest way to accomplish that.

^ that's a very cool idea:)

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My friend was posed this question for an interview he attended this past week.: If you had three magical wishes, what would they be?


Interesting question. I actually know of a psychiatrist who poses that exact same question to his patients...I'm not speculating that your friend was seeing a psychiatrist, but it is interesting none the less :)


There are no right or wrong answers to this question, the answers given would just show the interviewer how you think and what your priorities might be.

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do you not already have this for the most part?



yes but anything can happen in life..I think I would want to wish for some permanant guarantee like that my family will enjoy long healthy happy lives or something to that extent, ...if that were allowed lol

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yes but anything can happen in life..I think I would want to wish for some permanant guarantee like that my family will enjoy long healthy happy lives or something to that extent, ...if that were allowed lol


I know what you mean...I often worry about potentially bad things happening to people I love...especially learning about illnesses and stuff makes me a bit paranoid. I guess it's something I'll have to get over at some point...

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communication with animals would definately be one of mine.

EDIT: plants too.

I don't even wanna know what my cats have to say about me...


Probably "lay off the daily self-love, darling..."



I gotta say though, you can learn to understand your pets pretty well. Whenever I come home and open the front door, I immediately hear all kinds of purrs and meows coming from all 3, and at this point, I can easily tell who wants a drink of water, who's been stuck in the closet all day after sneaking in while I was trying to put together my outfit, and who wants to be held, NOW!!!

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ok lets be fun :rolleyes: .... lets say everyone in the world is happy, well fed, healthy and is content. ok, boring :o (a happy boring i admit. what!?)


what on this bloody planet would you want just for kicks, just for pure enjoyment that is something you always wanted but just knew it would happen only if you found a magic lamp and your name was aladdin. what have you really dreamed about. pretend a med committee dont matter when you answer this....:P


the one thing i'd want aside from what i mentioned in the beginning was a time machine. control time and you control everything. for realz!


know the future and what can you not do!? come on! i know it'd get complicated if you think about it too much but just for fun right....


wouldnt it be so amazing to actually have a time machine. and if stimulates us med keeners, just think that you'd already know the answers to your exams, not just the questions. easy A+? hellz ya! ... the possibilities are limitless and theres potential for a heck of a lot more than "a milllion dollars". maybe a few trillion and a palm shaped island if you play your cards cool.


damn i can almost feel the power! YEAH!! :D

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Wabba, you're quite the character... funny post haha. :)


thanks Law :P


but seriously, even if i had a time machine and didnt want to exploit it, abuse its power or use it for extreme personal gain (fat chance), we all have times when we wish we could change the past and fix up what we super-dee-duper f-ed up. so i guess you cant beat this deal. :rolleyes:

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1. Wish for my parents to become A LOT healthier.

2. Wish to have some sort of 'skill' where as I listen to lectures I automatically remember 100% of the lecture so that later on I don't have to study :P.

3. Wish for another 3 wishes ... but if this is not allowed, I would probably wish for some sort of money (maybe lottery).

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WabbaJ: I imagine that exact use for a time-machine very frequently. It would be unbelievable to just write whatever on a test, get the answers in the future, and then just memorize a few at a time, come back to the past, write them in and hand that test in.


But don't forget larger scale time travel...

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