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Hi! I'm new here and i'm wondering if someone can help me out. I'm about to sign up for the DAT in February and I'm not sure if i want to have my results sent to any schools yet - i guess i'd like to know what my scores are first before the results go shooting off to schools. That part of registration is optional right? I dont absolutely have to put schools down do I? I can ask for my results to be sent to various dental schools at a later time, I'll just have to pay extra for them to do that for me, right?


Thank-you in advance!




PS Please tell me its possible to master carving in a month :eek:

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Yes you are right, you can ask to have them sent later and pay more but I'm not really sure if there's any benefit from doing that. I think every school I've read about in Canada and the States say that they look at either your best DAT or your most recent one. So it wouldn't hurt you if they see that you did poorly. And for the carving, I believe its very doable in a month. I didn't do that great on the carving (got a 16) and I spent quite a while trying to prepare for it but my friend only prepared for the carving for a couple of hours and got a 26. My flaw on the exam in carving was that in my preparation I had done it pretty good, but I didn't realize how much my hands would shake during the real exam, and that made it very difficult to to get the measurements done. Overall I didn't mind too much as I'm mainly interested in schools in Ontario or the States (which don't really care about carving). But for you, I would recommend to prepare enough to make sure you're really relaxed during the carving part.


PS- one of the reasons I think my friend did so well on the carving was that he knew before hand that he wasn't going to take the results of this DAT too seriously because he didn't have enough time to prepare for it so he just used it as practice, and so he was really calm for the carving.

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Hi there,

I did a round of apps this fall and have looked a lot into which schools take which DAT results and so on. They will ask if you have written it more than once, they often want the most recent set, the nicer places will take your best set, and some want all your scores regardless of whether they take the best or more recent. I would save some money and send them. I took the DAT last Feb and while I studied hard, I told myself I could always take it again. That really helped, I would suggest not freaking out too much and realizing that this could just be like a pretest for you.

As for Carving, I bought 30 pieces of soap (I recommend buying at least 2 prep packages so that you get 2 knives...unless someone else out there knows how to buy more knives that I don't know about, which is possible) and I did it in just under a month. I got a 23 which I was pretty happy with. I also recommend wearing gloves. But if you do, make sure you wear them every time you practice too so you are used to how they feel. Also know when to stop carving, that is the best advice ever. Stop while you are still ahead!

Best of luck!

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