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CRC question

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Well first of all, since i'm new to this forum, I'd like to say hello to everyone here and good luck to all possible futur med students!


Okay now for the question :)... I'm currently studying at the Cegep de Drummondville in quebec and i currently have a R-score of 35.5 and I wanted to know, preferably from sherbrooke med students, if that was a competitive R-score and if I had good chances of getting in med school the first year :confused: . Of course, I'm also applying to U Laval and UdeM but my first choice really is UdeSherbrooke especially for their theaching approach (Apprentissage Par Problèmes) which seems like a more practical and interesting approach. Anyway, if anyone has any information to give me about my chances I'd really appreciate it because I'm really nervous right now and since there's still a couple of months of waiting to do I'd like to be able to calm down a bit :) .


I know that kind of question might have been answered to somewhere else in the forum but I just couldn't find anything about it (some threads seem broken or something).


Thanks a lot! Hope to see some of you in med school next august!



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Relax, 35.5 is definitely competitive! I am applying this year with 35.8, and I'm not really stressing for the cote R (although I know a ton of people score higher than me in this department). Just relax.. and cross your fingers for the TAAMUS.


Best of luck to you!

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Hi Ralph!


Thanks for the answer, it's definitly reassuring... maybe it's just me but a lot of the stories I heard about needed cote R to get in Sherbrooke were a bit frigthening... ppl with 36.5 getting refused in UdeM and UdeS and on a waiting list in Laval university... But I must admit in U laval and UdeM the interview is really important but 36.5 R-score refused in sherbrooke? That sounds weird to me :confused: . Well, let's just cross our fingers for the TAAMUS, I guess if this goes well we're pretty sure to get in (oh boy I'm looking forward to it :) )


Best of luck to you! Hope to see you next year!



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Est-ce qu'ils envoient les invitations au TAAMUS en même temps pour les universitaires ET les cégepiens? Du genre, TOUS les candidats retenus se rendent à Sherbrooke la même fin de semaine et poussent leur crayon au même même moment?


On m'a dit qu'il y aurait aussi un méga party la veille de l'examen, pour tous ceux qui veulent passer le TAAMUS en état gueule de bois/lendemain de la veille/semi-ébriété persistante... Est-ce vrai tout ça?

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En effet, il y a un party le soir avant le TAAMUS... Et on couchait dans les chambre de residence des etudiants de 1ere annee qui nous accueillent ;) Je te dirais que la plupart boivent en moderation la soiree d'avant - mais faut se dire que du moment qu'on arrive pas en retard le lendemain, c'est ce qui compte :P



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