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They contacted one of my verifiers!!

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Hi all,


I attribute most of what I am writing right now to pre-interview jitters, but I just met with a person I am using as a verifier for some extra curricular stuff, and she said that she got a phone call about me from UofA med admissions!! Is this good? bad? I know 100% that everything I wrote was legit and truthful, but how much will they grill my verifier? Could her responses affect my application? Is she simply verifying what I wrote or do they ask her more? I know it shouldn't be, but this is stressing me out! :(

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From what I've heard through the grapevine, random checks are just that, random. Checks are done moreso as a deterent against lieing on the application, than as a means of probing into references they feel are embellished or fabricated. You could think of them being like check-stops during the Christmas season. So, "don't drink and drive!":D


... I'm assuming your interviewing in the fourth year pool like myself. So good luck on the interview on Wednesday TG!

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This possibility stresses me out too. I would never lie on the application, but it's hard to find a single person who can verify ALL of the places I have lived... I've moved around so much, so I asked a friend to verify for me, but it's not like he's lived in ALL of those places with me.


Does anyone know if they contact verifiers AFTER the interview?

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