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When have you completely changed your view on a long held belief or opinion?


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When have you completely changed your view on a long held belief or opinion?


This one seems to be a doozy. Isn't someone who doesn't have stable values and beliefs considered untrustworthy? I seriously can't think of any time I've had to change a longstanding belief or opinion. How would you guys tackle this?

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Isn't someone who doesn't have stable values and beliefs considered untrustworthy? I seriously can't think of any time I've had to change a longstanding belief or opinion. How would you guys tackle this?

I don't think that's the case. I mean, people live for 80+ years now, what are the odds of them keeping the exact same opinion on EVERYTHING throughout their entire lifetime? I know it's harder to come up with something like that at a younger age. However, even at our age (20s-early 30s for most on this forum), it's possible to have experienced some changes. I think for most people our age it would be a transition from beliefs/values instilled by our parents to those of our own, which often differ. In fact, I think it's impossible not to experience changes to your values and beliefs unless you completely shield yourself from outside influences. Sometimes, you are just ignorant about something (e.g., when I was in my early teens, I was pretty disgusted by homosexuality, but once I got to HS and university, where I met and became friends with a large # of gay people, it changed 360 degrees). Other times, you simply encounter someone who's better educated and well-versed on the topic than you are, and have a revealing argument that causes you to realize that the other person's beliefs fit you better than the ones you held prior to the encounter. A frequently encountered case is when people change their opinions of abortion. I can't think of any names, but I have read about at least 2 70s abortion activists who have now become pro-life after gaining more personal experience with the issue. So it's hardly uncommon. I think it's just a matter of personal growth.

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(e.g., when I was in my early teens, I was pretty disgusted by homosexuality, but once I got to HS and university, where I met and became friends with a large # of gay people, it changed 360 degrees). .

360 degrees brings you back to the original point! you crazy homophobe... :D

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