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Orientation Video… or Propaganda?

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ba ha ha, xylem, you are like this arrogant, self-righteous little sh*t disturber. i wasn't even going to dignify your idiotic rant with a reply. but i can't help it because it is SO very easy.


geez is every queens med student like this?


you guys even insulted a poster with a learning disability (boomboom?)


haha its my first day and i've already learned so much about queens med

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To be fair, the med students on these forums should understand that they are representatives of their institution – whether they would like to think so or not. Their childish rants reflect poorly on their school. I’m not painting every student at Queens with the same board brush. However, it is clear that one Queen’s student in particular, while he/she may not have meant any harm in the video that is the focus of this discussion, clearly meant to be adversarial in his/her posts on this board. Which is unfortunate and I think reflects the question of professionalism which started this whole debate.


Sorry I just don’t like to see people being ignorant online, because you know this discussion/thread would have been very different in person. Everyone is different, if our ideas differ lets discuss them in a civil manner – and not resort to personal attacks against people with dysgraphia. (I’m not going to lie, I had to look it up too:) )

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i can assure you i am the only huge a-hole in queens meds 2010. and you know what, i don't care. i'm not gonna apologize. i have a right to my obnoxious opinion. especially on an informal type online majigger, which is basically just a floor for people's obnoxious opinions. i am hoping that anyone with enough intelligence can realize that i am one person and obviously don't represent my class in general. and i'm sorry, but i'm not about to be "professional" and sugarcoat what i say, because that's not my style. why does anger have to be unprofessional? why does defending something you believe in very strongly with strong words automatically make people think you're being unreasonable? i say what's on my mind. cause that's what forums are for. and if someone attacks me or something i believe in, i attack back. cause that's me. i don't let people get away with saying crap. if you're gonna give it, u gotta be able to take it. and with that, i leave this thread, because it's reading week and i have better things to do. like watch tv. and eat cheese. good day to all.

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Our interview video (2010) is not and in all likelihood will not be publicly distributed via youtube for various aforementioned reasons. But there are many funny Queen's med student videos that are already on youtube. Just type in Queen's Medicine. A personal favorite of mine is "Gold Digger" from the 4th years. They are the ones who made the previous interview video, "The Applicant".



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Personally, I loved the video. The song was pretty hilarious as well. I think that the 2010 class did a great job with the interview weekend; their enthusiasm showed and it was contagious.


Regarding the professionalism issue, I only have this to say: every healthy profession has to be mocked for its own good, and there is no one more qualified to mock a profession than the professionals themselves.

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Hey all,

As a fellow 2010'er, I can understand sensfans' reaction - however visceral it was. The class of 2010 worked VERY hard on the video. Also, we are a very fun funny class (as those of you who haven't had your interview wknd yet will learn shortly), and I think it is fair to say that anyone without a sense of humor just won't fit in at Queens. The whole point of the video was to give the interviewee's a minute of fun and distract them from the stress of interview day. As previously mentioned, the song was written by our bioethics head, and was also meant to be fun. I think most of the jokes are things that are well known to be stereotypes of each particular med school. Most of our class did their undergrad degrees (and some of them, masters degrees) at the other ontario schools that we make fun of, so we know full well that the other schools are good schools with lots of amazing people.

I hope everyone who saw the video understands the light-hearted manner in which it was intended. I hope everyone who is coming to the next interview weekend has fun with it too. I wish you luck in the interview process, and I hope to see you in September, where we will continue to have much much fun for many years to come (alright, 3 years....but who's counting?).


ps I was the verifier :)

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