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Orientation Video… or Propaganda?

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Apparently Queens has an orientation video that ridicules all the other med schools. A friend of mine thought it was pretty distasteful. What happened to professionalism in the medicine? I have my interview later this month… I think I might skip the video :S What did you guys think of it?

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Apparently Queens has an orientation video that ridicules all the other med schools. A friend of mine thought it was pretty distasteful. What happened to professionalism in the medicine? I have my interview later this month… I think I might skip the video :S What did you guys think of it?


1. its on youtube

2. its pretty funny

3. give me a break

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THE VIDEO ROCKS!!! I've seen videos posted online by a few other schools, and they're generally very bland, not funny, poorly made and just informative. Queens seems to have this history of making amazingly hillarious videos, and the class of 2010 has definately upheld that tradition. I don't want to spoil any of it for people who have their interviews coming up later this month, but it is not to be missed! (I actually had to leave before the video for my 1pm interview, but came back at 3 just to see it!)

I think it's healthy to have a good sense of humor. (although i can see one line in the video where i kind of gasped and thought "i can't believe they said that!" ... but having attended the school that the comment was aimed at, i have to say that it is true, so how can you complain?) :P


EDIT: it's on YOUTUBE??? where!! i wanna watch it again!!

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oh my god you people make me sick. seriously. SERIOUSLY. our class put in hours upon hours of our own free time to put together a video that would lighten things up and entertain the stressed out interviewees. the video is about the journey of someone applying to med school with stuff about queens thrown in here and there (mostly at the start and end). in the last 5 minutes, there is a song that i suppose "makes fun" of other schools, but it's so over the top that no one is supposed to take it seriously. the song was actually written by one of our ethics professors for medical variety night last fall. it features lyrics such as "if we studied at mcmaster there would be PBL each day, we'd eat granola instead of special K". if you're so damn uptight that you can't handle a bit of over the top fun, then you know what, don't just skip the video, skip the interview as well. seriously.


ps. what happened to "professionalism in the medicine"? i don't know. what happened to grammar in the applicants? i thought the mcat verbal cutoffs were high enough.

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ha ha, i got pre-empted by 2 ppl as i was writing my angry rant. thanks guys! we put so much effort into this thing and are so proud of it, it's just very disheartening to hear someone who's not even seen it be critical. i guess i shouldn't be so angry, but i can't help it. (for anyone who's seen the video, i'm the angry mcat girl, lol.)

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ha ha, i got pre-empted by 2 ppl as i was writing my angry rant. thanks guys! we put so much effort into this thing and are so proud of it, it's just very disheartening to hear someone who's not even seen it be critical. i guess i shouldn't be so angry, but i can't help it. (for anyone who's seen the video, i'm the angry mcat girl, lol.)


Haha, I loved the angry MCAT girl. And for that matter, the crying MCAT girl too, LOL :)

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wow… you guys are really irate. I just asked for your opinion… remember I haven’t seen the video myself… and sorry about the spelling I have dysgraphia… it makes it tough to spell – but makes for great conversation at med school interviews :)

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from what i know, we weren't gonna put it on youtube because:


a) it has depictions of patients and the hospital - this is even an issue for members of the class who have asked for copies of the video


B) there was recently a giant sh*t storm regarding a video made by some residents at kingston general (an annual x-mas joke or something like that) that made it to youtube and got everyone in a lot of trouble when the hospital found out... there wasn't even anything bad on it, but the hospital got offended on principle, it seems, and there's now an official inquiry...


c) the video is not something that is officially endorsed by queen's or queen's medicine, so putting it out there would probably also displease the school...


i know someone said it was on youtube, but i would be VERY surprised if it was, because i'm pretty sure we decided not to put it up...

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Thanks for defending our video B. You really were hilarious as angry mcat girl. And sure there was a bit of Queen's propaganda in there, we ARE trying to sell our school a bit, but all in good fun, promise!


And the video is definitely not on YouTube. We're trying to keep it under wraps until after the 2nd interview weekend. Then we'll try to figure out how to distribute it.

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oh my god you people make me sick. seriously. SERIOUSLY. our class put in hours upon hours of our own free time to put together a video that would lighten things up and entertain the stressed out interviewees. the video is about the journey of someone applying to med school with stuff about queens thrown in here and there (mostly at the start and end). in the last 5 minutes, there is a song that i suppose "makes fun" of other schools, but it's so over the top that no one is supposed to take it seriously. the song was actually written by one of our ethics professors for medical variety night last fall. it features lyrics such as "if we studied at mcmaster there would be PBL each day, we'd eat granola instead of special K". if you're so damn uptight that you can't handle a bit of over the top fun, then you know what, don't just skip the video, skip the interview as well. seriously.


ps. what happened to "professionalism in the medicine"? i don't know. what happened to grammar in the applicants? i thought the mcat verbal cutoffs were high enough.


yep - that is the attitude that i suspected the students to have - imputing your notions of what makes a good med student on others. that's fine, if you want to exclude "uptight" people because your narrow outlook doesn't allow you to be inclusive or b/c you can't recognize that different people have different levels of sensitivity or ways of interpreting things (and then making the ignorant and incorrect extrapolation from "uptightedness" to "character worthy of queens medicine", that's ok.


even though i don't agree with your perspective about people with a negative reaction to the very short but provacative part of the video, i can confidently say that i'd have no problems working with you or even being your peer, but i don't know if you'd be able to say the same, since according to you, i shouldn't be at queens (and i know you didn't mean me specifically, but i'm responding b/c i did indeed get offended - i wonder what will happen when you encounter other healthcare workers and even patients that have the complete opposite world-view as you - will this affect your professionalism b/c you know "argh...i just can't stand them"???).


i still appreciated the video btw - i could tell lots of time and effort went into it. not knocking the video here. all i am did, was express my honest reaction to a particular line in the song. that is all. even as my rational mind tells me that it was all in fun, that it meant no harm (which you all have confirmed), that it is innocent, my "imperfect" self got a bit offended - honest to god with no lies even if i said otherwise. that's all. if something is funny (to you), you will laugh or resist it - someone else might not find it funny. point is, there's no rational thought behind laughing, it is like a reflex reaction, if something is funny, you'll laugh (even if it offends others)...that's what my reaction was - it "just was". nevermind, i'm complicated - end of story.

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Apparently Queens has an orientation video that ridicules all the other med schools. A friend of mine thought it was pretty distasteful. What happened to professionalism in the medicine? I have my interview later this month… I think I might skip the video :S What did you guys think of it?


and in response to the OP - you shouldn't skip the video b/c it is very well done and worth watching. the ridiculing of the other ON schools just plays on the different stereotypes and is harmless (except for one part).

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Haha whoa people.

1) Yeah the video was meant to be entertaining, nothing more. I don't personally understand how people could be offended by it....but if you are, well that’s ok to I suppose. It was never the intention to offend others, simply to entertain while waiting for the interview, and have some fun at the other schools expense.

2) Haha, calm down sensfan.

3) And xylem29, you seem guilty of your own accusation. You are characterizing all med students and their opinion of yours, based on Sensfan. I believe you have a right to be offended, and although I don't understand why you are, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that it is founded. Having said that; be wary of expressing your opinion as to what others believe, especially in Medicine. There is a great sense of comradery in medicine, and people essentially have each others back here (or at least in our class) and such accusations could be misconstrued.

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does anyone have a link to ANY of these oritentation videos??




That'll get you to the old "The Applicant" video made by the class of 2007. (just scroll down to about half way down the page to find a link to it.) Well made, and pretty damn funny in my opinion... that should hold you over till your interview weekend comes up.



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ba ha ha, xylem, you are like this arrogant, self-righteous little sh*t disturber. i wasn't even going to dignify your idiotic rant with a reply. but i can't help it because it is SO very easy. you say: "i wonder what will happen when you encounter other healthcare workers and even patients that have the complete opposite world-view as you - will this affect your professionalism b/c you know "argh...i just can't stand them"???). ". well, i can tell you that i HAVE encountered many patients and healthcare workers from lots of different walks of life both before and after starting med school, and because i'm not an uptight moron, i don't get offended or put off by people who are different from me. it's YOU i would worry about. you seem so busy getting offended by EVERYTHING that i'm afraid patient care would suffer at your hands.


"nurse, why are the growth charts colour coded pink and blue to distinguish between genders??? that is so stereotypical and reflects our society's... what? the patient is crashing? right, hold on, i just want to finish my point........"

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ba ha ha, xylem, you are like this arrogant, self-righteous little sh*t disturber. i wasn't even going to dignify your idiotic rant with a reply. but i can't help it because it is SO very easy. you say: "i wonder what will happen when you encounter other healthcare workers and even patients that have the complete opposite world-view as you - will this affect your professionalism b/c you know "argh...i just can't stand them"???). ". well, i can tell you that i HAVE encountered many patients and healthcare workers from lots of different walks of life both before and after starting med school, and because i'm not an uptight moron, i don't get offended or put off by people who are different from me. it's YOU i would worry about. you seem so busy getting offended by EVERYTHING that i'm afraid patient care would suffer at your hands.


"nurse, why are the growth charts colour coded pink and blue to distinguish between genders??? that is so stereotypical and reflects our society's... what? the patient is crashing? right, hold on, i just want to finish my point........"


touche - that is a funny example.


i've got some time to acknowledge my flaws and to work on them - see? it's about never ending personal growth - yea, i know how i must sound and come off as a sefl-righteous a**clown - but, to call me a moron? come on, you know that i have some ground - even if it's just a little bit. just like how i'm not completely dismissive of your points about me...


If you don't get put off by people who are different from you (such as myself), then why tell me to not bother going to the interview (implying that you don't want me to be part of the class)?? if u answer: "well, it was my own "idiotic rant of a statement" and i didn't really mean it" - then, fine.


I already said that I would gladly work with you & make a sincere effort to get along with you - it's not the person that I don't agree with, it was your opinion. Just as I hold my own opinion (however moronic you may think they are), I acknowledege and respect yours (even if I completely disagree with them). Also, I will admit that I am sometimes very self-righteous, complicated, philosophical, liberal, and I tend to challenge everything (a sh*t disturber as you call it) - but I'm not static and unwilling to change. So, I apologize for generalizing the entire class based on sensfan's one sentence about how i should skip the interview.

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2) Haha, calm down sensfan.


I second that motion. Xylem, I'm sorry that you feel offended. The sole purpose of the first year meds is to entertain and relax the applicants. That goes for the many activities that we host including: Tir Nan Og pub night, dinner at Megalos, Medshouse martini parti, as well as the activities that go on during the interviews. Despite that short bit on the movie, I hope that you had a good time overall.

Now, lets all hold hands.



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I second that motion. Xylem, I'm sorry that you feel offended. The sole purpose of the first year meds is to entertain and relax the applicants. That goes for the many activities that we host including: Tir Nan Og pub night, dinner at Megalos, Medshouse martini parti, as well as the activities that go on during the interviews. Despite that short bit on the movie, I hope that you had a good time overall.

Now, lets all hold hands.




I had a great time overall - I guess forgot to do so, since I got lost in all my arguements/debates over the video, but I want to extend a big thanks to everyone involved in the interview weekend. And to you dingalongdong, for being the calm mediator, bringing us together to hold hands!

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