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MMI - Past experience anyone?

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Just wondering...


In the MMI, will the interviewer be a participant? Will it be a dialogue/debate, or will the interviewee be asked a question/scenario and be expected to speak for the full 8 minutes :eek:


Hopefully this question makes sense....


Thanks for any feedback :D



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Generally most applicants say that it was the shortage of "time" to answer the question. Not having enough to "say" seemed rare amongst the interviewees. I think one year I finished a question and there was quite a bit of time remaining and like x ray said ... they asked a follow up question. Good luck

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There is interaction. Depends on the interviewer tooo...but remember its minimal. So if you do not have lots to say...u have a choice to be concise and finish early or striiiiiig out..lol. I do not know which is better. Guess give examples if applicable.


When is your interview estrella?

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it's been a couple of years since my interview, but I do not remember running out of time at any question. The interviewers had a list of questions to ask, and some of them were better than others at filtering which ones they asked, and not making me repeat what I had already said.

I don't think that stringing out an answer when you don't have much to say will be well viewed. IMO, you're better off to state your answer clearly and concisely, and then respond to the prompting questions when they get asked

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My interview is on the 31st. Lots of time left to work myself up into a state of panic :rolleyes: When is yours?


I would love to join in on the practice MMI sessions, but unfortunately I'm OOP.


If I do give short, concise answers, that would be okay- except I don't want that awkward silence for the remaining 7 minutes, lol.



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I'm an out of province applicant and I am interviewing this coming weekend in Sudbury. I've never done an MMI and have had no one I know has done them and there is no ability to do practice ones here. I was just wondering for the "role playing" questions do you just walk into the room and just start or do you introduce yourself first then go into the scenario? I realize there are confidentiality constraints but I figure this is a broad question

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From what I've been told, NOSM does not have "actors" at their stations....this only happens at MAC. They may give you a scenario that you have to talk through, but the person in the room should not actually be acting it out. Don't quote me on this though, just what I've heard from the past years.

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Hey all,


As a student at NOSM, I'll help clarify your worries. At NOSM we do not use the role playing as Mac does...that could change in the future but for this year no worries.


Good luck to all on your interviews. I know it can be highly stressful, but remember to breathe at all times :P Take your time, don't rush and be thorough. Interviewers want to see the real you, so don't be fake; be yourself and shine.


Don't be afraid of the interviewers, they are there to find the best students who fit NOSM and will thrive the best :D Show them that this would be YOU!




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