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In which province would you prefer to practice medicine?

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When I was deciding where to practice in 2005, I thought the answer as to best province to practice in was fairly straightforward:


- Highest physician salaries

- REASONABLE REAL ESTATE PRICES (about 2/3 that of Toronto)

- reasonable cost of living

- two solid ~ 1 million person cities to live in

- lots of good sports teams (NHL, CFL, WHL)

- Access to some kickass skiing (I can't consider collingwood 'skiing')

- MUCH quicker access to certain services: CT, MRI, primary PCI for STEMI,

- a provincial budget that isn't doomed to collapse within 10-15 years based on healthcare expenses (ie Ontario)


Of course, since 2005 real estate prices have gone through the roof and many physicians' overheads have increased to the point they'd make more in other provinces.


I don't think it's so clear-cut now.


But Ontario?!!??

- physician remuneration is historically mediocre

- historically poor physician-government relations

- the constant fear of an audit

- GTA: traffic

- GTA: Despite the real estate boom in Alberta, a house in Toronto is still about the same as a house in Calgary. You're unlikely to make as much money on it. And you're stuck living in Toronto.

- a healthcare budget that's increasing at such a rate that collapse is pretty much guaranteed within 15 years

- ridiculously humid summers and ++++ smog

- you breathe air from coal and auto plants in michigan, illinois, ohio

- the topography of southern ontario is essentially the same as ohio.

- You have to put up with all those Leaf fans


It's pretty obvious you're better off in Newfoundland. . . at least you have the ocean, and Marble mountain blows Collingwood away.

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Ontario (Toronto/GTA) > > > > > > anywhere else. Too many things to do here, and the diversity is priceless. I wouldn't mind practicing out E. for a few years though.


I love the hate Toronto gets everywhere else in the country. It's pathetic. Maybe if we could keep some of the $10 billion a year in tax dollars that leaves the city for elsewhere in the province and nation we'd have a better transit system to reduce smog and more money in general to address many of the things people complain about. Mini-rant is over :) .

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Hasn't anyone been to Montreal??? It's by far the best city in Canada. Vancouver has mountains and the ocean but, really, what does it have as a city? You can barely find anywhere to eat after 11... I love Alberta skies but Calgary is too red neck for me. I mean, what other city do you know of that would make pan-handling illegal? The politics are gross there (I'm obviously a lefty). Toronto is fun, I could live there. Halifax is nice to visit but I think I'd get bored there after a while.

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After visiting Toronto for the first time for med interviews, I absolutely loved it. But BC is home for me, and I want to stay close to my parents (they're getting older), my friends, and most of all, my sister & her family, as she has two young ones that I just didn't want to miss seeing grow up by moving away for med school. Four years from now when med school is finished, I will probably be even more established here along with my significant other. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of snow, so Vancouver is my only real option within Canada!

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Montreal is a fantastic city, but everything I've read and heard suggests the PQ hates doctors and takes them for granted.


Nobody seems to be looking at how doctors are treated as a factor as to where they want to work.


That bodes poorly for the CMA/OMA/AMA/BCMA/etc argument that pay/lifestyle/fair treatment would help/hurt physician recruitment. . .

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my guess is that has more to do with the fact that most of us responding haven't started meds yet, and really don't know anything about how doctors are treated, than the fact that we don't care.


at least, i don't know much about it, but i'm guessing it's the kind of thing you learn about/hear about/start considering once it's your actual career you're making decisions about.

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Yeah, $ definetly makes a difference when you're close to a province's border, anyway. Gatineau has a great lack of family physicians for it's size. It's so close to Ottawa, everyone chooses to practice there, where the $ and working conditions are apparently much better... that's what I hear anyway.


Personally, I think $ would never be a factor, since every doctor makes plenty for me. Working conditions... that's another story :)


I'm hoping to make it back to NB to be around my family and my boyfriend's... Plus, I'd feel bad not coming back and working to improve healthcare there, since I was admitted under a program that exists just for that (increasing no. of francophone physicians in minority areas). I like the mentality here too... nice and laid back... I guess at heart I'm a maritimer... So that's my goal... whether or not it works out will depend on my bf's job, though... family always complicates these things...


For me, the order is :

1) NB

2) Ottawa area or other maritime provinces (kind of a tie)

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I'm from Ontario originally and you couldn't drag me back with D8 Cat. Toronto, the big cesspool. Blecchh!!!! Maybe rural northern Ontario (I grew up in Fort Frances) but I can't handle 40 below winters anymore.



I no longer sing:


Gee ma I wanna go,

Back to Ontario,

Gee ma I wanna go home.


Dr. Cave, how did you end up going to the island after growing up in Northern Ontario? Just wondering, as I'm from the same area.

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It's going to have to be Alberta for me. I grew up here, and after having lived in Ontario for 6 years, I'm happy to be back home. Besides, with the wife doing a law degree at the UofA, it makes it harder for her to practice in any other province. The only things I now fear are death and a rising residential market :mad: !

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Are there a lack of doctors on the island? Any specialties in particular? Do you know what it is like for doctors practicing there?
Well, I'm an orphan without an FP in Victoria, but I'm not sure about the situation in the larger centers (Victoria, Nanaimo). There is definitely need in some smaller communities on the Island and on the Gulf Islands. We have, by far, some of the most beautiful rural areas you will ever see.
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Are there a lack of doctors on the island? Any specialties in particular? Do you know what it is like for doctors practicing there?


There is a definite lack of doctors on the Island. Small towns always need them, the midsize cities (Campbell River, Comox/Courtenay) routinely need new specialists (cardiology, geriatricians, general surgeons), and the bigger cities (Victoria, Nanaimo) have some specialist openings but you need to plan to get them (i.e. pick what's going to open in a few years and do that).


P.S. Gold River is the best. Go there as an FP.


My picks:

1) BC (Island, preferably)

2) AB


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Hasn't anyone been to Montreal??? It's by far the best city in Canada. Vancouver has mountains and the ocean but, really, what does it have as a city? You can barely find anywhere to eat after 11... I love Alberta skies but Calgary is too red neck for me. I mean, what other city do you know of that would make pan-handling illegal? The politics are gross there (I'm obviously a lefty). Toronto is fun, I could live there. Halifax is nice to visit but I think I'd get bored there after a while.


Dude! Where have you been living in Vancouver?? Seriously, there are so many asian places that are open late some even 24 hours, and I'm talking about the places that are not even in Downtown and back in like 2002 :rolleyes:

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