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Would this be trivial?

Guest 69er

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I have some extra space left on my OMSAS sketch..


would it be considered "fluff" if I put down that I won first place in my first ever swimming contest in high school, despite the fact that the competition wasn't really "prestige?"


Also can anyone give me an example that 'might' be conisdered fluff-ola?



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Guest Med Student

I know a whole bunch of people who put in trivial things. They got in.


The good thing is the more you put in, the more the interviewers have to draw from when they talk to you in your interviews.

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Guest TimmyMax



From my standpoint, I would consider as 'fluff' anything that you did only once or twice and never went out for again. Example: As an undergrad, I signed up for a couple of clubs during 'clubs night' that sounded kind of interesting at the time, but as it turned out, I was never able to attend any of their events. I left those off my sketch.

Second example: As a high schooler strapped for cash, I went out for one of those 'earn $18.65 an hour' job things. That lasted all of one afternoon- I'd seen enough by then and never went back. Again, I left this off.

So there's a couple of examples that I would consider 'fluff'. Although these are kind of no-brainers, a more effective approach is to ask yourself about each of the activities you include on your OMSAS sketch, specifically if you could give a strong answer if you were asked about them. If it's a little more substantial than "Umm, I learned that door-to-door selling isn't for me (2nd example above)", then you'll probably be good. Besides, having stuff you're enthusiastic about on your sketch will make it even more exciting when you're asked about them and this enthusiasm will shine through to the adcoms. Adcoms can smell a fake, so just be real and the rest will take care of itself! :)


Best of luck!


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Guest DHP62

While we're on entering activities...


What about things I'm planning doing next year...can I include them?


Like how will they know about a research project I'm doing next year? I'm also planning on joining a committee next year - can I put that down?


Although...I suppose by the time I submit this, it WILL be next year and I'll have started those commitments...so I can put them down now. Anyone agree?


Well, I just answered my own question! :D But I guess I'll post this just in case someone else was having the same train of thought...

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