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Re-taking past courses with poor marks?

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Is there any problems I might encounter if re-taking certain courses that I had first year which would drag down my cumulative GPA (for US application)... in General, do US schools consider a course which had been re-taken as a single grade, or do they frown upon upgrading courses with a second attempt??


I plan on looking specifially at certain schools and their policy.. however, I was curious if there was a general rule to this or not??


Thanks again.,

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Is there any problems I might encounter if re-taking certain courses that I had first year which would drag down my cumulative GPA (for US application)... in General, do US schools consider a course which had been re-taken as a single grade, or do they frown upon upgrading courses with a second attempt??


I plan on looking specifially at certain schools and their policy.. however, I was curious if there was a general rule to this or not??


Thanks again.,



well with american schools it's hard to say, there really aren't general rules, when it comes to american dental schools it's best if you check individually with each school. I don't think they frown upon courses taken a second time around, however, seeing that ADDSAS calculates your GPA, maybe the two courses are just averaged. I believe that each school doesn't individually calculate your GPA, like up here where for example UWO takes your top two years, and uoft eliminates your worst year etc. Whatever ADDSAS calculates is the marks that each school you apply to receives.


i hope that helps,


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Just incase anyone else is concerned about this, I found the answer on the AADSAS Website:


Q: I repeated a course as an undergraduate. My undergraduate institution only counts the second grade earned in my GPA. Why are both grades counted in my AADSAS GPA?


A: When applicants repeat courses, AADSAS calculates the grades earned in both the original and the repeated course, even if the institution does not.

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