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reading comp

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I know there are different techniques to do the reading comprehension part of the DAT: 1. read and make notes/key words on the side, then do the questions and 2. read the questions first then read to try to find the answers.


I was wondering what technique you prefer? are you a fast or slow reader?


and as a general question, are the questions for this part in order (i.e. all the questions for article 1 comes first, followed by questions for article two, then questions for article three)?


Thanks so much.

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Hey bud,


I found just circling/underlining the keywords in each paragraph of each article while grazing over as fast as possible. I didn't try to remember what happend in each paragraph-just quickly grasp what they were talkin about.

I found by doing that, when you were on the questions you'd remember where they talked about the particular section and find it circled and u could quickly read it again if necessary to answer the question/eliminate one of the choices.


I'm really out of it today, so hopefully that makes a bit of sense.


All the questions for each article are together. Although you will often have to check paragraphs from different sections of the article to answer a question.


I found I knew about some of the info in the articles so I found it time saving to try to answer the question before referring back to the reading.

I did however only get a 21, which isn't mind blowing/great.

I think UWO used the reading section for preliminary selection this year-and I think the score may have hurt me. As my overall dat was decent, 112. So try to rock this one by practising while timing yourself. Make sure to skip ones you're having problems answering-just like any test and jump back to them if u have time.


If I were you, I'd practise the perception part the most. That can be time consuming. I found organic chem fairly easy like flipping things around in your head etc, so I didn't practise it as much. It was my lowest score on my dat!





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just remember how any paper / article is written. Always follows the same general format... They tell you what they are going to say, they say it, then they tell you what they just said. Meaning, topic sentence is the first sentence of every paragraph (gives you the gist), the last sentence gives the basic idea or maybe a slant from the author, then the body of the paragraph has all the details. Sometimes this doesnt work however , my DAT had a terrible article which must have come out of a newspaper (written for grade 8 students). dont worry, prepare

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