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Accepted Grad students - advice!

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congratulations to all of the graduate students who are accepted!

does anyone have advise for graduate students who want to go to UofA? If accepted, please post 1)undergraduate GPA and graduate GPA 2)residence (IP/OOP?) 3)course-based or research master (and publication?)

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Hi there,


I'm in the process of finishing my MSc here at the U of A, and I was accepted to both the U of A and Mac (as I saw from your posting in the McMaster forum).


In terms of advice, I'd say that when choosing your supervisor, be upfront and honest about your plans to apply to med school, and your supervisor will hopefully be accomodating. In my case, my project was tailored a bit to allow it to be focused and doable in the time frame I wanted, and one of the professors who taught me one of my courses ended up being one of my references, which I'm sure helped me a lot. Also, do something you enjoy, as the hours are long and the experiments can be frustrating!!


My prereq GPA for U of A was something like 3.8, and the overall GPA was about 3.75 I think. Since I wasn't finished my MSc when I applied or before I was accepted, I don't think my grad degree factored into my numerical score, but it might have made me stand out a bit from the crowd? Although these days, it seems there's a good chunk of people with grad degrees in med school.


For U of A, I was an in province applicant, and I think I was also considered in province for Mac. My MSc is research (thesis) based. No publications yet, but hopefully one will be coming very soon.


Good luck,

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Hey there.

I was accepted in 2004 but hopefully it will be useful... just to get some diversity!

I'm a little fuzzy on the numbers... I think undergrad CGPA was 3.6-3.7, and prereq GPA was 3.8-3.9. My graduate GPA was 4.0. I'm IP, and at the time I had one publication doing a thesis-based PhD.

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