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AAMC site still f-ed up?


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Ok, so I got into Toronto way back in April. I received the confirmation email and the status update after gaining the seat etc.


Now last night I randomly wanted to logon to check status, basically just for kicks. I was assuming everything would be the same with the site saying I am registered for Toronto on Aug 20 etc. But I got this status 100 error instead.


What I am wondering is if anyone else is getting this damn error. I am not really surprised by the error to be honest because statistically speaking the AAMC site is messed up the majority of the time. Yet, the buggers charged by credit card and I got the confirmation email so I gotta have a seat, so I am not really worried about not having the seat.


The thing is this 100 error message also says I should contact them regarding the message. But I just don't feel like hassling them if it is a general problem everyone is having. So if anyone wants to swing by that site and see if they can log on properly it would be really appreciated. Because I am assuming they are just back to their good ol’ technical glitches again.





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