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where should I apply to?

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Hi! I was just wondering what schools I should apply to. I took the mcat twice:



I'm worried that my scores aren't competitive enough to get interviews anywhere.


I'm a bit concerned with my MCAT scores, and I will take them again in August. However, I'd like to apply to some schools now. I was told that I should be competitive at middle to low tier schools (I'm not really sure which these are). Schools that I am considering are:



Albany Medical College

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Albert Einstein

Rosalind Franklin



Penn State

Saint Louis University

SUNY (upstate)



University of Chicago






Wayne State


Which ones do I have a realistic shot at, considering my mediocre MCAT scores, Canadian student status, and my high GPA. It might also be of note that I am a Senator at my university, have planned and participated in two overseas volunteering trips (one in New Orleans), planned frosh week, volunteered in a lab for a summer, and have clinical volunteering placements (ER and physiotherapy clinic)... among other leadership activities..

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Your MCAT score is decent and your GPA is very good - you probably have a very good shot of getting multiple interviews. You should be competitive at most of those schools. You should also apply to a few higher tier medical schools to test the waters, your MCAT hinders you in tier 1, but that doesn't mean your file will not be reviewed.

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I'm trying to get in here... but I'm afraid that my mcat score is low. I didn't get any interview invites this year, as a third year student.

You didn't get an interview because you applied as a third year student. (only your 9 on the MCAT hinders you at some schools)

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