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Looking at Acceptance Stats


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Many of the public schools in the MSAR say they accept international applicants, yet in the acceptance/matriculation stats, many of these schools have 0 international students accepted.. Does everyone know why?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Well in public schools priority is to in-state applicants, so to be accepted as an international you have to basically have stats that beats every single state resident that applied....which is not easy sometimes.

However some public schools are known to be friendly to international students and especially to Canadians. (Wayne State per example)

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To paraphrase what SUNY Downstate said to me - "yes, we are open to accepting international students, but by the time we're through with the in-state pool, only a few seats are left for out of state applicants, and we never get to the international pool." I imagine this is the situation at some of those other schools, as well.

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