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DAT stuff for sale (Vancouver)


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The other post reminds me that I got some dat stuff as well.


- The entire iq publication Canadian DAT set (minus the chalks)

- Kaplan DAT

- Baron DAT

- Kaplan mock DAT tests + my own notes for free


I live near SFU. Pm me if you need anything

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I agree with mkmkhan... just give the books away. Realistically, how much do you stand to make anyway? Dental school is gonna put you some 100K+ in the hole... I doubt the extra 90 dollars you stand to make will make much of a difference! Plus, its not like you need the books anymore so instead of holding on to them so they can collect dust you might as well put them to good use and pass them on to someone else who one day may end up being your partner in a practice. Khan, you're absolutely right: we're all (future) dentists, we should help each other out and not try to make a profit off one another... that's what clients are for!!!

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yeah that would be the nice thing to do...however I had to buy the books myself aswell.


what im looking for: 80$ in books (at least) for a case of beer....the beer is more of a "return the favour" for giving him your books.


know what im sayin? Not being cheap...but if I'm going to be making "so much money" I may aswell just start throwing my LOC at the bums on the street!

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First off, a student studying for the DAT is hardly a "bum off the street"; even if he was, you misunderstood me: I didn't allude to being able to make a lot of money once you became a dentist... I simply pointed out that $80, plus or minus, won't make a difference when you owe $100,000 to the bank for your LOC. That being said, you make a good point that you had to buy the books yourself... Yes, YOU had to buy the books... YOU had to pay hard-earned money to get them... yes, it set YOU back... However, this isn't about YOU... this is about HE or SHE that is trying to study for the DAT so that HE or SHE may have a shot at getting into dental school. Think about it: had someone else not thought about themselves they might have given YOU their books... in that case, of course, you wouldn't be complaining about how you had to buy them in the first place. This is not about charity, like throwing your LOC to the bums; its not about being cheap, like clinging on to your books unless there's a profit to be made; its about kindness, about the desire to help and better both ourselves and society. TV adds have brought us to believe that the only way we can make the world a better place is by donating money to help destitute children in third world countries or tsunami-stricken victims; yet, I say all that money is for naught if the people donating do it for the wrong reasons or, worse, for reasons they fail to comprehend. It is not money that will save the world: rather, it is the mindset, the realization and the deeper understanding that any act, even a small one like giving your books to someone who needs them, when done with honest goodwill can make a difference. So don't get me wrong: I'm not telling you what to do here... they're your books and it was your money... Just keep in mind that although $80 and a case or two of beer won't make a difference, giving an aspiring dental student your books, on the other hand, just might.

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a case of beer for some books is more than generous..on my part. it is taking into account that I don't really need them anymore...a case of beer is a case of beer. it is what it is.

If anything, it shows me that my books are going to go to good use and the user has a commitment to wanting (at least) to do well on the DAT. It would be irritating to find out that the person you donated the books to took them just because they were free only to turn around and say F-it.


Secondly, I know if any of my close friends wanted them I would just give the the books to them. The difference is, I know they would show appreciation in some manner.

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Alright guys, not need to argue here. I think this is a good deal for anyone interested.


$100 for

-iq publications perceptual test forms A, B, C

-iq Sciences

-iq Reading Comp

-iq + CDA carving guide + handle + 3 blades

-Kaplan book + Kaplan mock

-Baron book

- Schaum's Biology

-my notes for Bio and Chem


I’ve been accepted by UBC and UofT for a while now and I wouldn't even bothered selling my stuff had I not seen the post by someone asking for studying materials. I just want whoever gets my stuff, especially my notes, be serious about studying for the dat.

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since the forum is open to everyone, i'll just use this thread as well. i m still in vancouver until early aug. i'v kaplan book +mock, flashcard, barron dat book, carving materials (blade, ruler, 2 soaps, and guideline book, plus some mock soap diagrams). i m selling them cheap as i wanna get rid of them before I leave for Winnipeg.

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