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Pre reqs in upper years... URGENT!!!

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Well I classify as an IP student at UBC but am going into second year at UWO this year. I have just recently found out that I need first year english as well as a few other pre reqs, and was wondering if UBC would really care if I decided to take my English pre req (1st year course) in third year. It would pretty much be my only 1st year course and the reason why I am not doing it in second year is that I have no room. Would summer school be a better idea, if that would at all slight my chances even minutely?



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I'm in a similar situation, miyakebee -- I'm completing most of my prereqs in my last 2 years of undergrad. Did any of the interviewers ask you about this? Or do they not have access to your transcript and therefore don't know when you completed the prereqs?

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Hi guys,

I completed NONE- yep that's right none of the science prereqs in my undergrad. I completed my degree...then when back to school 2 years later and took all of the science prereqs. I was accepted to UBC VFMP on my first attempt and so it did not seem to matter.


As it has been said it many other threads, do well in your undergrad of course but here is some advice: enjoy your learning experience. If it takes you an extra semester to fit in all the class then that's the way it is. Of course there is always the financial burden of pushing graduation back but in the grand scheme of things I think it is very worth it if it meant you enjoyed your undergraduate experience.


Good luck and don't stress, it will all get done ;)

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