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Secondary fees

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Hey, I'm wondering for secondaries that we have to mail in, how do we pay the schools?


I'm thinking I can't send in a personal check since they're charging US funds. So is it a money order?


I called Dartmouth and the Admissions told me money order will be fine, since we're Canadian. Otherwise, it woulda been personal cheque.


Just include it in the big envelope you send the rest of your application in. Oh, and stapling sheets together is ok (I asked that also).


These fees just keep on piling up!!

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My bank, TD, just charged my account the value of the money order (75US=~79CAN).


I think this service is included in my small monthly fee-- definitely not individually charged.


I dont know anywhere else you can do money order. Call the bank and ask them. Sucks that we cant just write a cheque (at least I dont think we can...)

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Well, I think if you have a US dollar account, you should be able to write a check. I don't even have checks for my regular CDN account, though, because they used to be free last year and now they are charging $50 per box. I pay all my bills online anyway, and give my landlord cash, so I thought it was way too much for something I am extremely unlikely to use.

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My bank, TD, just charged my account the value of the money order (75US=~79CAN).


I think this service is included in my small monthly fee-- definitely not individually charged.


I dont know anywhere else you can do money order. Call the bank and ask them. Sucks that we cant just write a cheque (at least I dont think we can...)


Ya, I don't think we can just mail a check. My situation is made all the more difficult because I'm not even on the same side of the planet....so any of those prehistoric schools (*cough* Dartmouth) means I'm mailing them from a very very long way away and also having to get bank drafts.


BTW Bane, did you print out your secondary app for Dartmouth from their website? I hear people get their Dartmouth secondary forms in the mail? I haven't been verified yet so I'm wondering how keen they'll be having me submit early.

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Ya, I don't think we can just mail a check. My situation is made all the more difficult because I'm not even on the same side of the planet....so any of those prehistoric schools (*cough* Dartmouth) means I'm mailing them from a very very long way away and also having to get bank drafts.


BTW Bane, did you print out your secondary app for Dartmouth from their website? I hear people get their Dartmouth secondary forms in the mail? I haven't been verified yet so I'm wondering how keen they'll be having me submit early.


hey boss,


I got Dartmouth in the mail, but I preferred to do it online and print it out in Word. Its gone, sent in yesterday, and good riddance to bad crap. I think you should call them and ask if they mind if you send it in before receiving the snail mail one. It could be that they havent set up an account for you yet, and if they dont know where to place your secondary that you sent in early, they might pitch it. Just to be safe, call them. Long distance charges may apply ;)


I also got this other school in WV called Marshall in the mail. Those are my only mail ones I think. I have about 20 in my inbox that I haven't even looked at.


After you get verified, you'll get more secondaries than you can keep up with.


What you should do if youre just killin time, waiting to get verified, is take a look at the secondaries that each school has. You can get links/q's off SDN-- the thread about Official Secondary Prompts.


Theyre not very hard- it only takes one solid day to get out each secondary.


Hope I helped. Let us know if anything else needs answering.

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Does your momentary uncertainty mean you've PM'd other forum members pictures before?


Never sent pics anywhere ;). Afterall, it is a forum and its nice to stay at least somewhat anonymous.


Actually, I dont think I've ever put up a file, or sent one to anyone.


My momentary uncertainty is just me always being afraid that I'm in trouble-- its how I used to live when I was a kid and its going nowhere fast.

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